We Reminisced

jack.jpegI mentioned in a post the other day something that a certain somebody reminded me of. He had been watching a video of my in my Bollywood glory! Well I told him about my memories of him singing in the flat. He sang in the shower. He sang in the kitchen. He sang in the corridor outside my room! He sang such funny songs. Not the songs you would expect him to be singing. It was like a comedy show. Always the life and soul of the party. Always charismatic, energetic and fun.

dad dancing.gifIt was funny, watching him dancing around and singing “We’re up all night to get lucky.” His dancing is just as distinctive as my Dad’s! I have missed the singing and dancing so much!

I have missed him! Tremendously! At first I wasn’t going to say that. But in the end I did. I couldn’t help myself. And it felt good to admit it.

Sometimes over the past few years, I wasn’t sure what I was suffering from the most, the stress of all the awful things that were said about me? the trauma of being attacked? the distress at being removed from my home, my career, my friends? or just being away from a person who had completely captivated me from our first acquaintance and always made me feel excited?

It was really nice to reminisce. There’s not much else to say right now. We’ll have to see.

Watching The Skies

I mentioned in my post yesterday that it is agonizing not being able to send a text message to Goldfinch to ask him how his journey is going.

I gazed up at the sky last night and I contemplated how long he was going to be travelling through the atmosphere. From down here, planes can look so much like stars except that they wink at you and move slowly across the sky.

To help me settle my worries about Goldfinch’s long journey, I was watching flight tracker yesterday and the night before. It is so cute…it shows the progress of the aeroplane and says whether it is on time or delayed. So presuming everything has gone well and Goldfinch has not been delayed at passport control.

So if all has gone well, Goldfinch should have landed and should be at the home of his parents. I worked out by looking at the world clock on my tablet that his plane was due to arrive at 10.30pm GMT. So while I was getting ready for bed, Goldfinch was arriving back home.

I sent him an e-mail while he was up in the air. I didn’t want it to be too long…he is hardly going to want to read an entire novel from me about every thought and feeling that I have had since we parted at Heathrow. But I think I said plenty for him to know I have been watching the skies the whole time and begging for his safe arrival.
