What Have I Done?

So much for taking things slowly! I can’t even make sense of it myself right now, never mind write about it. It’s unbelievable, even to me. In fact I am starting to feel like I am the star of my very own Truman show and that someone is writing the script because this feels like the craziest kind of Hollywood melodrama.

what have i done.jpgWhat have I done? I feel as if my heart has been torn in two. And it’s awful. But at the same time it’s as if a miracle has happened. But it’s terrible on my part.

This is not making any sense is it? And for the writing my thoughts down on WordPress is keeping me sane! I can’t wait to be able to share this with my nearest and dearest.

All I ask is that somebody wonderful, some absolutely stunning woman who is just as beautiful on the inside as outside will go and be the perfect woman for a very special man. I wish him the best woman on the planet, and I think he might like it if she was rich and without any obligations. For I love him very very much and want him to be extremely happy.

robin and annie goodbye

I kind of wish I could have chance to go back to Australia and hold him in my arms and tell him how much I love him. But I think I did try to do that every day I was in Australia during the summer. So I hope he knows. I would never want to hurt him.

I know this is not making complete sense, but a miracle has occurred and I can’t ignore it.

Kristian Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

So much has been happening in my life. It’s all very bizarre and dramatic. I am trying to keep my head cool and not let my heart to go bounding wildly into a whirlwind of nonsensical romantic disillusionment…but…it is so tempting!!!

Back in August, Kristian, the creator of Tales from the mind of Kristian, nominated me for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD, as you can see from his brilliant post below:



What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog – THANK YOU KRISTIAN! SORRY IT IS SO LATE!
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions from the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 10-20 other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to your best posts.

Three Things About Me

Smiling woman getting her hair styled and hair salon.

I have always felt very nervous, quite frightened about going to a hair salon and having strangers wash and cut my hair. It used to move me to tears! I preferred my mum to cut my hair, but when rheumatoid arthritis made it hard for her to hold the scissors I had to go elsewhere. I have a few friends who are hairdressers and if they have time, one of them kindly trims my hair for me. But if I ever have to go to a real salon, I spend the whole time extremely tense. The stylists sometimes ask me questions that I don’t want to answer. In recent years, I have tried to combat this by taking control of the conversation and bombarding them with questions.

smiler 1I do not understand racism, or even nationalism. As far as I am concerned, I am a member of the human family. Whenever I pick up on people having an air of superiority or feeling they are special, or more deserving, on account of where they are born or the shade of their skin…well, I just find those kind of attitudes repugnant. Now that I am being open I will also add, I hear people in western countries moaning about what they don’t have, or that they don’t have as much now as they used to have, and I think to myself, “You have no idea! Let’s uproot you and relocate you where the average wage is around $1 or $2 a day shall we? Once you have returned to your “home-country”, hopefully you will never moan again!” There are some very spoilt people in western lands who take so much for granted.

i cant drawMy brain leans towards maths, physics and chemistry. I am fascinated by geology and marine biology. I do enjoy reading about history and culture, but I find my brain is sorely lacking when it comes to art. Goldfinch loves art. I love that about him. But my brain is so hopeless when it comes to art. I have tried, but I fall back on drawing goofy cartoons because I become so frustrated with my efforts. Algebra, trigonometry any day! Ask me to write a letter, or an essay – easy peasy! But if you ask me to draw a self-portrait, well the paper will be covered with my tears because I don’t seem to be able to move the pencil around the paper to produce anything other than a cartoon character. And I now think that it is a hand-eye-brain coordination thing. I was always deemed good at sports, but that was only because I had so much energy and stamina. I was not great at catching, or aiming. Just furiously energetic and without any fear of tackling the opposing team. But I always had to pass the ball to a team-mate because I had no skills.

One Of My Favourite Posts

bluebellI have a few favourites. I mentioned a couple of my favourites in another award post recently. But this is also very much one of my favourite posts that I like to go back and read over. It is about a memory I have of the very first time I saw bluebells! I was only a little child, and I was up int he woods where we used to play. The whole woodland floor had turned blue. I was enthralled by it!

Hiding In The Shade

Questions From Kristian

If you could be a flavour of Ice Cream which one would you be and why?

I love this question. Of course I am so tempted to say caramel flavour. But I think caramel on it’s own can be a little bit sickly. 

So I think I would be a combination flavour. I think something classy. Either espresso flavour for a little bitterness to contrast with the sweet caramel (no, I am not a bitter person) or pistachio, which is so moreish and delicious. I also love peanut butter ice-cream. Ooooh so hard to choose!

If you could change one thing in history, and only one, what would it be?

adam and eveAnother great question. One that is extremely thought provoking.

There is a huge impulse to say I wish I could change the rebellion of the first two humans against our Creator. The results of human self-rule have been bitterly cruel and grievous. However, I do realize that in the future, both we on earth, and all intelligent creatures in the universe, will look back on this period of history and see it as a judicial precedent for any future disturbance to peace in our universe.

of great interestThere are many unspeakably horrific crimes that have taken place on a huge scale, that mar human history. The crusades, the holocaust, the invasion of other lands by greedy nations. But when I think about it, our history is very important. Our history is going to provide judicial testimony that is going to bring peace to our planet and peace to the entire universe.

What do I mean you may ask? It is clear that our Creator was deeply grieved when the rebellion occurred. He foresaw the outcome, the consequences of human self-rule. He warned that it would result in great suffering. He has only allowed this because he knew he would be able to heal the damage caused and restore the human family and this earth to his original purpose. He determined that the period of human independence would come to an end. He set the date. Nothing will change that. He will not allow human rulership to go on forever. There is a limit to how much damage He will allow.

future1In the meantime, He continued to the accomplishment of His own purpose. He provided His Word which would guide those who sought his rulership. He provided hundreds of prophecies pointing to the appearance of His “sent one” or “Messiah” or “Christ” – who would become the ruler of a government established by our Creator. Christ demonstrated the power he would be given over disease, the weather, and even death. He showed on a very small scale what he would be empowered to perform on a global scale in the future.

He also commanded his followers not to interfere with human rulerships, but not to get involved with them either. Christians are to pay their taxes, obey the law and to be peaceful. While Christians ultimately look to their Creator and the Christ, who has been appointed King of God’s Kingdom, they remember that right now we are under the authority of human rulerships. Human governments are allowed to be there. They provide an element of stability which benefits us.

world.jpgWhy? Because human rulership is on trial. There is already a very checkered history on record. There may have been some who seemed genuine in their motives, but even those who seem noble have had limited success.

How many human governments have been able to ensure that the basic needs (adequate food, healthcare, work and shelter etc.) of all their population were satisfied? How many short-sighted decisions have been made in the name of profit and innovation, which have damaged our environment and have been detrimental to people’s health? How many inhuman atrocities have been committed? How many governments have allowed disgusting economic extremes? Wars, genocide, slavery, oppression and cruelty mar the pages of human history in every corner of our globe.

future2.jpgIf our Creator had continued to intervene to prevent bad things from happening – would it not make people think that human rule is not that bad after all? Our Creator has already recorded his view of the thousands of years of human rulership that he has witnessed. Grossly inadequate, a failure. Some rulers he has seen are highly reprehensible.

However, in the near future there will be events that may seem incomprehensible right now. At the moment, with the ineptness of the current forms of government manifesting itself, it doesn’t seem all that far-fetched that soon governments will give more power and more authority to the United Nations, does it! That is something that was prophesied in the scriptures centuries before the League of Nations and the United Nations were even formed. The reason behind that development and what will happen next is all in the scriptures.

Very soon there will be an issue that will affect everyone on the planet. Are we as individuals eager to have our Creator’s guidance? Or will we choose human self-rule? I find it hard to imagine why anyone who knows anything about history, and anyone who witnesses the events that are soon to take place would choose human rulership. But at the end of the day, we have all individually been dignified with free will and choice. You cannot force someone to love our Creator. That is not what He wants. His rule will be marked by love. He wants His creatures to willingly choose to look too Him for guidance because they love and trust Him.

By the end of a thousand year period of rule under the government established by our Creator, we will be in an even better position to make a whole-hearted choice. During that time the earth will have been restored to the paradise He intended. He will have resurrected those who had died during the thousands of years of human rulership. Disease, old-age, abuse, pollution, war, crime will be distant memories.

paradise7Humans will face another pivotal moment. A decision will be before them once again. Yet again the question of who should rule will be thrown up. The scriptures show this is the final time this issue will need to be answered on such a large scale. It is after that that we can say all things have been restored. There truly will be complete peace throughout the universe.

There will be a vital historical record of everything that happened, how the Creator handled challenges and questions over His rulership. From then on, if anyone in the universe raises the question of authority again, there will be billions of humans on earth who will shout “No!” The question of who should rule will never need to be answered in this way ever again.

future3.jpgYou are worthy, our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created. – Revelation 4:11

What is the greatest advice you’ve ever been given?

Oh my goodness, I have been given so much good advice! How do I pick one thing??? One piece of advice I remember every single day is that kindness is always the right choice. There are so many people at breaking point! If you had any idea how heavy the hearts of some where, or what is going on in their mind…always choose to be kind!


If you could have anything for your last meal, what would you choose?

IMG_20190728_190446I don’t intend to ever stop eating in all honesty. I love variety, so it’s hard to pick favourites because I love new flavours and ingredients.

But there are meals I just never ever tire of. Salad, lasagne, garlic bread would make me very happy any time! Add to it a glass of wine and finish everything off with a very naughty pudding and I will be very happy just before I slip into a food coma and sleep it all off!

If you could be a character in a book, which one would you be?

Hmm…such good questions.

persuasionI think I have a huge soft spot for Anne Elliot in Jane Austen’s “Persuasion“. The first time I read that book, I started to adore her from the first chapter. I did not know Jane Austen’s books at all back then.

I was very anxious about what would happen to Anne Elliot all the way through. I thought that in the latter half of the back, Jane Austen was trying to steer Anne towards a happy-ish ending. But the actual ending knocked my socks off! I wasn’t expecting that at all. And I loved it!

I love happy endings! Especially the type that seem completely impossible, the type you have lost all hope could ever occur!

Life – it is so wonderful! Just think after all the twists and turns in human history, we are going to have the happiest outcome that could possible imagined! Things we thought impossible, the resurrection of all those who have died, the restoration of paradise, life without pain and suffering, universal peace under the loving rulership of a powerful, just wise Creator who loves us and wants us to be happy forever!!!

Questions or My Nominees

  3. IF YOU WERE GOING TO BE A TOURIST IN ENGLAND (if you live in England then imagine you are having a stay-cation) WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT?

My Nominees