Tag Archives: mystery blogger award

Teresa Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

bloggingI am trying to give some attention to some lovely nominations and tags I received recently.

You all know how long these award posts take to prepare, but I do love them. I have been thinking about them while they have sat patiently in my drafts folder. I feel like I need a break away from my lap-top after the BAKE-OFF.  So I think I am going to be content with publishing one a post day, maybe two if the mood takes me 🙂

The wonderful Teresa, better known as The Haunted Wordsmith has nominated me for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD, as you can see from her post below:


mystery 1

What is the Mystery Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.
– Okoto Enigma


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.
  4. Answer the 5 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  5. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  6. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  7. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
  8. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  9. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).
  10. Share a link to your best post(s).

Three Things About Me

I am trying to think of three new things to tell you. Hmm…

collapsed in snowI was once dragged through the snow on my stomach by a sledge pulled by a team of husky dogs. I was on the back of the sledge (I was supposed to be “steering” the sledge) and I fell off. I had asked the owner of the sledge and the dogs, what happened if I fell off. He told me there was no way I was going to fall off. I fell off. I was clinging with all my might to the handle bar of the sledge, terrified that my friends were going to end up crashing into a tree. I was dragged along on my tummy for some time before eventually my strength gave out. I could hear my friends screaming. The owner…well it’s such a funny story, I should probably save the entire saga for another post.

I was a first aider from the age of sixteen. Every three years I went on a refresher course to re-qualify. My last certificate expired about a year ago. For the first time in twenty years I am not a “qualified first-aider” which means I cannot be used as a first-aider on a lot of the voluntary projects I work on. It feels like a real shame. I think I need to go and do another full first aid course (I can’t do a refresher course because my certificate has lapsed). I have been a first-aider on many construction projects and at major events for many years. It seems a shame to not be one of the team.

masterchefI am so so excited about watching the final of the BBC Masterchef show. I will be at work tonight when it is broadcast, so I will have to wait to watch it on BBC i-player. I can’t wait. I have been so fond of the contestants and am so impressed by what they have accomplished. Please don’t tell me the result!!

My Best Post


One of the very first posts (I think it was the first) I ever published is the one that is closest to my heart. I wrote this poem twenty years ago. I have worked on the middle section a couple of times, but the start and finish are exactly what I wrote when I was a teenager. I have a huge soft spot for it.

Five Questions From Teresa

What are your plans for this fine spring weekend?

On Saturday I will be walking out in the spring sunshine and enjoying all of the wonderful blossom that is on so many trees at the moment. The forecast is pretty good at the weekend. My friends and I will be walking from Hampstead to Richmond. I am going to a party on Saturday night. It is after a ceremony (I am not going to the ceremony, just the after-party), so it will be a late night for me.

IMG_20180721_074541Sunday – I am doing some volunteer work for most of the day, and then in the evening I am going round to the home of some friends from Bulgaria. I am taking a chilled chocolate cheesecake (which I will have to make first thing on Saturday morning, or maybe I can risk leaving it til Sunday morning – nope, I am going to be too tired after the party). People love that thing, I am asked to make it regularly. I daren’t eat it because I am not good with dairy.

What kind of museum would you create if you could (what would you put in it)?

Oh…that’s an interesting question – never have thought about that. So many museums in London that I love visiting. I guess I would love there to be a museum packed with all our family memories.

bananaepisodeAll the different cars Dad has driven over the years. Mum’s dresses. Swatches of the different curtains and wallpapers we have been through. Our toys and books from childhood. My collection of sunglasses from childhood and my roller-skates. All the family photos of course.

I think I would visit the museum regularly, as would all of my family. But I don’t think anyone else would be interested! We are not going to be able to get the tax-payer to fund this museum are we!

What is something best served cold?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is fhgrht.pngCustard.

I really like hot fruit crumble with cold custard (dairy free for me). My friends like cold crumble with hot custard which I think is odd. Custard is so nice cold!

I know there will be some who disagree with me. My friends and I seem to be 50/50 split on this issue. But that seems to be the trend in the UK at the moment – to be 50/50 split on important subjects like whether custard should be cold or hot.

What can always bring you out of a slump?

What kind of slump? Are we talking about feeling a bit low?

Normally, being with people cheers me up enormously. I really thrive on being with people. I am from a big family. I  have worked on projects with hundreds of other volunteers. I love people. I am with people a lot. But I like being alone too. It’s important to me to have some alone time.

There are other things I might do if I am on my own for some reason and feeling down. Sometimes I am forced against my will to be alone due to the intense pain I have since I received head injuries. At times like that, I do sometimes feel a bit sorry for myself. I mentioned some of them in my SHARE-YOUR-WORLD post this week:

  • ring my mum, one of my sisters, or a good friend
  • type an e-mail to Goldfinch
  • go for a walk, there are beautiful parks nearby my accommodation
  • lie on the grass in the park and doze under the warm sunshine
  • listen to some music that always makes me feel good
  • walk to a nearby artisan bakery on the high street and buy myself the gooiest cake I can find
  • iron any laundry that is stacked up, it’s something I really enjoy
  • work on the little book I am writing for my niece

What recently read book do you think everyone should read?

Wish Upon A Leaf by [Grabs, Teresa]I find Teresa’s new book an absolute delight. The main characters are enchanting. I love their story. I love love love it.

My first copy arrived from Amazon yesterday. I am going to buy more copies as we have quite a few children in our family who are the perfect age group for this book, and they all like reading.

I wish Teresa every success with her new book…and hopefully more are in the pipeline.

My Nominees

Ursula Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

I was nominated for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD by the wonderful Ursula the creator of An Upturned Soul, as you can see from her fabulous post below:

Mystery Blogger Award: Spring Sparks


What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog – THANK YOU URSULA!
  4. Answer the questions from the blogger who nominated you
  5. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  6. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  7. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  8. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  9. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  10. Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Things About Me

1. I love wearing dresses. It’s not practical to wear a dress for some of the work I do, gardening and cleaning. Neither do I wear dresses when I go hiking or running. But I love wearing dresses any other appropriate time. I loved wearing dresses for Goldfinch.

I have a beautiful collection of dresses, most of which I have found in charity shops. I particularly like knee-length fit and flare dresses. Even when I was a little girl and loved playing football and climbing trees (which I still love) I was very attached to collection of beautiful dresses. I have always liked to wear pretty clothes.

summer12. I love summer. I love it very much. However, for the last three summers I have had a lot of frightening flashbacks taking me right back to that night in the park. There are lots of things that trigger memories of that night. The heat, the smell of grass, the sounds of animals at night. This year I will be in Australia when that date comes round again. Four years since I was attacked. I will be with Goldfinch. It will be winter in Australia. I am hoping I am alright.

Fashion, Woman, Bed, Beauty, Girl, Model3. I need to get a hair cut! I have shocking split ends at the moment. But it costs so much money to have my hair cut here in London. I am trying to arrange a salon appointment on one of my visits up north. My hair is quite long at the moment, and because it looks a bit tatty when it is down, I am having to wear it up all the time 😦

My Best Post

Well here is one of the posts I like best. It is about a very special member of my family:

Why Was Milly Always Given More Sweets Than Mandy and Me?

Sharing sweets

Ursula’s Questions

1 – If you could spend a weekend as your adult self with your child self, what would you do together?

Climbing trees. I did not have to think about an answer to that question.

But I think you said it was for a whole weekend…therefore, I will probably throw in some other activities too. We would probably be camping outdoors and watching the stars at night. We would definitely be swimming. Probably swinging from a rope that was tied to a branch.

That reminds me of a picture I saw ages ago. I was with a friend who has a little girl. Little one showed me her beautiful Bible story book. The picture captured exactly my idea both as a child and as an adult of a perfect way to have fun. I think it’s this one.

2 – When you look at yourself, either in a mirror, a photo, or in your mind’s eye, what do you notice the most about yourself, what part of you do you focus your attention upon the most?

I rarely look at photos of myself. I can’t bare to. I am not camera shy, in fact I can be quite a poser! But I am photo shy, I hate to see myself in a photo. Please don’t ask me to explain it, but I literally cannot bear to see myself in a photo. There are no photos of me on display here in my little abode. My family have photos of me displayed, but I know where they are and I won’t look at them.

I don’t mind the photos of me as a kiddo.

Now it’s only photos I have a problem with, I don’t mind looking at myself in a mirror, well, it depends which mirror. Sometimes when I have been shopping and tried a garment on in a brightly lit changing room, and there are mirrors at all angles that show my behind and an odd angle of my profile, I always cringe at what I see. I hardly ever go on to buy whatever garment I am trying on.

mirrorBut I don’t have any problem with mirrors in general. Goodness, I have made myself sound as if I have a phobia. I love the mirrors on the bathroom cabinet in my little abode. It makes my face look so pretty. Also I have two long mirrors and they are very flattering. I don’t know whether it is the softer lighting, or if the mirrors I have here are faulty – but I like what they show.

mirror1I have a healthy awareness of my erm, “assets” and I also know which bits of me I could change if I put a little more effort in!

If I look in the bathroom cabinet mirror at my face I usually focus on my eye-brows and I try to tidy them up a bit. The rest of my face is normally in the right place! I think that when I look in one of the long mirrors I look ok face on, but when I turn to the side, my eyes are automatically drawn to my tummy and whether it is looking flatter or fuller. I try not to look in the mirror straight after a big meal.

3 – If you were given the power to stop time which would freeze everyone in the moment for however long you wanted, and you could move around during that frozen time – what would you do?

Cleaning. I shall explain further down…

There was a show on TV years ago, I watched a couple of episodes I think. The basic concept was that an alien had married a human and they had a daughter. That daughter was able to freeze everyone around her and move around just as you mentioned in the question. In fact in the video below which show the opening and closing credits, you see her put her fingers together and the tin of paint that has falling off the ladder freezes in the air.

So why would I want to freeze time to do some cleaning? Well…I sometimes clean up after a bunch of young people have been at working in a large open plan office. When I clean, I clean to a high standard. I am always a bit shocked when I see the mess they have made in between my cleans.

It’s sometimes incomprehensible to me how they can make so much mess. I would like to walk in while they are all there, freeze them, tidy up while they are all frozen and then see how they react when they are unfrozen. I have started to leave notes explaining areas I was not able to clean and stating how they should leave the premises in order for me to be able to clean properly.

4 – If you woke up tomorrow to find that one of your blog posts had gone viral, had accumulated thousands of views overnight, hundreds of comments, likes, shares, and was very much loved by everyone – how would you react?

I have been thinking about this question. I think I would be terrified.

blogging audienceI feel safe within a relatively limited number of readers – who are all other bloggers and writers. So far 99.5% of the bloggers I have interacted with seem lovely. There is a nice supportive spirit. But the thought of the number of people looking at something I have written growing like wildfire is a bit frightening.

I know you said to imagine that one of my blog-posts had gone viral and everyone loved it, but it still makes me nervous. I don’t want Jack to find me. Not only physically, but I don’t want him to know anything about my blogging. If there was a dramatic increase in the number of people who were viewing my posts, I would be afraid that it would not be long until he found me.

5 – What mistake do you keep making? What lesson do you keep learning?

Hmm…I make mistakes, but I don’t usually make the same ones over and over.

No, Refuse, Negative, Reject, DislikeThere was a mistake I kept making for years. I was told again and again that I needed to learn to say no. I think a lot of people realized that for many years I was juggling a lot of responsibilities. Perhaps they could see it was unsustainable.

A lot of my seniors would advise me that I needed to learn to say no because I was doing so much. The problem was they were the very ones who would call me a couple of days later and tell me that someone had pulled out of something and ask me if I could stand in at short notice. Do you think they were going to be pleased with me if I tried to say “no”?

tired.pngHowever, since I was the victim of a serious crime, I cannot go at the pace I was before. My head injuries have limited my abilities. I try to be honest and upfront with people about how much I can commit to. I am busy. But I cannot be busy the way  was before. I cannot have lots of people depending on me. If I felt overwhelmed, I would probably just say “this is not going to work, it would be better for everyone if you found someone to replace me“. I try to keep life simpler. I just cannot feel the pressure of juggling too many obligations.

My Questions For My Nominees


My Nominees

Beckie Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

The fabulous Beckie the creator of Beckie’s Mental Mess, has nominated me for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD, as you can see from her post below:



What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog – THANK YOU BECKIE!
  4. Answer the questions from the blogger who nominated you
  5. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  6. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  7. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  8. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  9. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  10. Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Things About Me

sign languageI learnt British sign language when I was sixteen, and for around ten years I was an interpreter for those who were deaf. That was mainly when I lived up north. When I moved down south, I interpreted just a handful of times, so I became rusty. But then when I started working in pharmacy, we had a few deaf customers, so it was very useful. I don’t use sign language regularly now, but I still find that I sometimes “think” in sign language, especially when I dream. Sometimes Milly and I will have conversations in sign language. (Milly is still an interpreter.)

stick insect.jpgThere was a stage in my life when I had to clean out the tank regularly that was the home of eight stick insects. Those little guys would chomp their way through a lot of foliage and then there was lots of stick insect poop in the tank and shrivelled up twigs that needed clearing out. It was really hard to make sure they did not escape. I had a couple of afternoons when I was searching the kitchen high and low for stick insects. Boy can those things move!

charity shopMost of my clothes and shoes are from charity shops. I buy underwear brand new. I also buy work shoes brand new, because they need to fit well and they need to be good quality. Other than that, second-hand is fine for me. There are six charity shops on the high street here and it is not unusual to find beautiful designer clothes with the original retailer’s labels still on.

Beckie’s Questions

What is your favourite Olympic Event?

I have to admit, it is a long time since I made time to watch any Olympic event. I am drawn to swimming though because for years my sisters and I were competitive swimmers. And diving too.

I have occasionally seen some of the television footage of the Olympics – I guess some of the running events catch my eye. But it is more the winter Olympics that really divert me – those huge ski jumps, the tobogganing, and ice-skating are events I probably would sit and watch IF I had the time.

What colour makes you happy, and what colour makes you mad… And, why?

My favourite colours make me happy – blues and greeny blues and bluey greens. I like a little yellow and a very little pink. But what makes me happy is colours that compliment each other. I love to see a mix of colours that dance together. There’s nothing quite as pretty as a rainbow.

I would not say it makes me mad, but I don’t get on well with orange for some reason. I attribute to this to my Dad painting the ceiling orange in the bedroom I shared with my sister Mandy when we were very little girls. Dad felt colours would impact our personalities and he thought orange was a happy colour. Staring up at an orange ceiling just seemed to make me averse to orange.

What is your favourite meal of the day, and what would it be?

I just like food. I love variety. I think my favourites change. At the moment I like dinner time because it signals the end of the day, nearly time for sleep.

Because I am saving up money to go to Australia and I am on an incredibly tight budget, I am going out for dinner at the home of friends a lot and it’s great to try other people’s home cooking. I am being spoilt rotten by my friends!


I had butternut squash risotto at an Italian friend’s home last week which was yummy. I had vegetarian sausage casserole with herby dumplings on Wednesday. I have an invite to the home of a friend from Sri Lanka on Sunday night and I cannot wait to try their cooking.

Non-fiction or Fictional movies, what do you prefer and why?

Here are some of my favourite movies:


If I am going to watch something new, it would need to be in the same ilk as the kind of films above. No swearing, no violence, no occult, no sex. Whether it is fiction or non-fiction, family fun entertainment please. I am just a kid at heart and I do not want to be traumatised.

If a squirrel falls out of a tree in the forest, does anybody hear it?  (Hah!  I’m running out of ideas for questions here, folks!) LOL!

I always presumed that a squirrel would be like a cat and manage to land on it’s paws unscathed. I think squirrels are so cute.

Questions For My Nominees


My Nominees

Melanie Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

Corona, Virus, Corona Virus, Covid-19Every single day at work we are bombarded with questions in connection with the …you know. It’s hard to think about anything else. I know more and more people who are self-isolating and everyone else is social distancing. Many of my friends are anxious about their parents or grandparents. It is hard to switch off that anxiety. Then there are the financial worries many are facing. We are all wondering what is ahead.

Well, it is nice to have something to distract me. Melanie, creator of sparksfromacombustiblemind, has nominated me for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD, as you can from her post below:



What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog – THANK YOU MELANIE!
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions from the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 10-20 other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to your best posts.

Three Things About Myself

Supermarket, Shelves, ShoppingNormally I go to the same supermarket to do my shopping. But almost three weeks ago, I had to search five supermarkets near me in the search for toilet rolls. While I was at these different shops, I ended up buying all sorts of other items I don’t usually buy. It was costing me a fortune! Thinking about what I might need if I have to self-isolate completely for either seven days or a fortnight, I bought tinned goods that I don’t normally look at, including asparagus soup, curried baked beans, mushy peas and black eyes beans. I did eventually find toilet rolls and then Jack pinched most of them! I am just about to run out again, but I now know that as someone who works for the NHS, I have a route to obtain some! Wooh hoooh!

dadsesI had a dress all picked out for an event that I was supposed to be going to. But the event has been cancelled because of the …you know. My lovely dress will have to stay in the wardrobe for another big event. It is not really a summer dress, it is more of a winter dress. It is tapework and although it is lovely, the fabric feels quite heavy when you wear it. I showed Jack and he liked it. He liked taking it off me too. Normally, I go to a lot of large events on a regular basis, so the coming months will be very different. But it is a necessary measure to protect especially our precious older ones.

Just over a year ago, I lost a little apricot sized life growing within me. I wrote about my thoughts and feelings on WordPress last spring. I decided those scribbles were something I wanted to keep permanently, so I published them a while ago.


Five Questions From Melanie

Are you of the naughty or nice variety?

party2.pngNice. I just am. I like being nice.

Goldfinch, I think, would prefer it if I were a little bit more naughty. I tried! Especially in the bedroom. He told me to be myself…but I honestly think he would have preferred more naughtiness.

But I have niceness ingrained within me. I could be naughty, but I love people so much and don’t like to upset or offend anyone. That love of people restrains any inclination to be naughty.

I can be playful, I can be impetuous, I can be boisterous at times. However, if it seems as if my behaviour is even slightly annoying someone else, I change. I love people, and I love kindness.

What is the most hilarious childhood memory you can think of?

Ooooh – I can remember events that at the time were quite serious. But looking back they are kind of funny. I was six when I told the vicar off at my uncle’s wedding. I called him “a wicked man”. Maybe I will tell that story some time.

window cleanerAlso, both us and our neighbours would sometimes lock ourselves out. Several times my Dad was called upon to provide the solution. Because he was a window cleaner he had ladders. Because our council houses were so crumby, we all had damp problems, so we all tended to leave a little window flap open to allow ventilation. So whenever someone locked themselves out of the house, Dad would climb up the ladder with one of us little ones and we would have to squeeze through the little flap. We then had to run down stairs and open the front door. I remember having to find a chair or a bench to reach the door hand handle in both our house and the neighbours’ houses.

Mallorca, Formentor, Sea, VacationsWhat else? Hmm.

I remember so much from childhood that was funny, but I am struggling to think of something I would describe as hilarious. Our family holiday to Mallorca was memorable! Especially the day we hired a car and ended up taking a wrong turn (probably several wrong turns) and ended up stuck on a mountain track. We kept going believing we were following the map. The army had to help us when we ended up stranded and unable to move the hire car.

My first day off school Mumma dropped me off in the morning with her long brown hair. Then she went to have her hair cut. She picked me up with short hair. I stood there in tears denying she was my mother and telling the teacher I had never seen her before.

There have been some comic situations we ended up in. One day my sister Mandy got stuck in the cavity of a bridge’s foundations. We hoped it would be a good place for a den. Only Mandy who had gone in to investigate could not get out. I had to run home for Dad, who ended up calling the fire brigade.

Sexiest animal on the planet?

bpI don’t find animals sexy.

But it has to be some kind of cat surely. Something like a black panther. The way the sleak along cautiously, waiting to pounce.

There are some animals which I think are particularly beautiful. I think horses are gorgeous. Some dogs too just break your heart by how adorable they are.

What is one thing you refuse to share?

I wouldn’t share personal items like my toothbrush. I would share most things, but personal items used for hygiene – well, to share those would be daft surely!

secOr are you talking about information? There are things I like to keep to myself. What has my age got to do with anything? I ask you! What has the tiny account in my bank got to do with anything? What has my weight got to do with anything?

I don’t mean to be secretive in general, but I have learnt that some details are irrelevant and that you don’t have to share everything with others. I find that some of our friends have a fascination about Jack and me, but I am glossing over a lot of detail when it comes to what I share with others. Our relationship is for the two of us to define and enjoy.

If you could read minds, how would you use the gift?

London, Underground, Train StationI am so glad I can’t read minds. I think I would find it unnerving.

But sometimes I wonder whose heart is close to breaking. It scares me that there are people around me who are broken, lonely, desperate, lost – I sometimes I wish I knew who was walking around feeling as if they were going to give up. I would love to be able to do something, say something to lighten someone’s load and brighten their day.

Five Questions For My Nominees


My Nominees

Skelly Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

I figure that if more and more of us are going to be asked to self-isolate (not happened to me yet, but it could at the first sign of a sniffle!) perhaps there will be a surge in blogging activity. So perhaps these long posts (because award posts are a bit long aren’t they!) will be more popular.

I have been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by the wonderful Skelly, the creator of fabricthatmademe. This is Skelly’s Mystery Blogger post which I loved reading:



What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog – THANK YOU SKELLY!
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions from the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 10-20 other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to your best posts.

Three Things About Me

I am always a bit lost at this point. What can I tell you that I have not already told you???

Doctor, Op, Medical, Operation, HospitalI have been back in healthcare since last September…and I must admit, this coronavirus situation is testing me. It is busier than ever, and I feel as if I am out on the frontline. I was already tired, but the last few weeks have been crackers and I have a feeling it is going to get a lot busier! I feel as if I am running on adrenaline at the moment. We all are. A huge amount of work is being done, but there are stacks of other things to do everywhere I look!

kasosaI have a flight to Australia booked for this summer and although I will have to wait and see what happens, I am anxious in case by then we are told it is not permissible to travel. I mean if that is the case, I just have to accept it, but still, I am longing to go back there. None of us know what will happen tomorrow. But I would love to see Adelaide and Goldfinch again.

I have published the first two parts of a three part book series. I published it in shorter posts over around six months last year, but I have extensively edited it so that it was more suitable for novel format. I have found writing the story of my character enormously rewarding. I am so excited about the third part.

Books Block


Questions From Skelly

Two part question: What is your favorite childhood book? What book have you read more then once?

reasI spent most of my childhood reading Enid Blyton books such as The Famous Five, The Secret Seven and Mallory Towers. I read all of them, some of them more than once.

I used to read my children’s encyclopedia over an over. I loved it. I also had a children’s science book. I loved reading that.

Also when I was five years old, I started to read the Bible. I never stopped. I have read it many times, a little each day. It’s a special part of each day to me. I feel like I am breathing in fresh air before I go out into the smog. I feel as if I have a few quiet moments when I can listen to the most true and good person in the universe who wants to fortify me to love what is right. Since I was five years old, I have been energised, inspired and guided by the scriptures.

What advice do you have for other bloggers/writers just getting started?

Expect nothing…appreciate everything

When you are a new blogger, you need to be patient. Do not expect thousands of strangers to find you and decide you are the best thing since sliced bread! Enjoy creating posts. Make sure you read posts published by other bloggers. You can learn a lot from them. In addition you will find that blogging is best when you interact with other bloggers. Always show appreciation for the support you are receiving.

  • Be patient.
  • Enjoy writing and creating posts.
  • Read the posts from other successful bloggers and think about what makes their posts appealing and attractive. Learn from them.
  • Be a positive, encouraging, breath of fresh air.
  • Be persistent. Try to publish a little something on a regular basis.
  • Get involved with commenting on other bloggers sites, and participating in challenges. We all like to know there is friendly human being behind the blog-site. Be safe and security conscious, but do share a bit of your personality.
  • Be patient – your statistics might be rather discouraging for a long time. So enjoy your writing and the interaction with other bloggers while you wait for more readers.

When you are new to blogging, the blogging world can be a bit like turning up at a party where everyone else seems to know each other and you don’t know them. So be polite, be personable, be appealing. There are bound to be other bloggers who will warm to you when you make an effort to interact. Back that up with creating your own great posts, so that when they check out your posts they want to keep coming back.

Enjoy the party!

If you are ever struggling – it’s ok to ask a blogger for help and advice. Other bloggers are human. It’s endearing when a new blogger is a little lost and asks for advice.

Sometimes when you see that other bloggers have big numbers and are prolific in their publishing it can all seem a bit intimidating, and you may feel your blog is a bit inadequate. Do not compare. Never be shy of reaching out to other bloggers who seem like friendly types and asking for tips and support.

And hey…relax. If you are going to a party where there is a venue full of strangers…do you rush around shaking everyone’s hand, introducing yourself, trying to hold everyone’s attention, demanding they start a friendship with you, and generally leaving everyone bewildered? Just chillax…you will find that by being yourself, being natural, leaving balanced appreciative comments (not scary stalker type comments) on posts you genuinely enjoyed, you will build contacts. You will soon find yourself part of a very friendly supportive blogging community.

Does writing give you energy or does it exhaust you?

Woman, Girl, Female, Lying, TypingIt depends on the subject.

When I write about things that bring me joy, I have a lot more energy and I finish a post feeling full of energy. For a long time I wrote about my own real life experiences, but more and more this past year, I have dabbled with fiction and terrible poetry. I find that producing something creative brings me a little lift.

At times I have written about some things I have found challenging and they do take a lot of emotional energy out of me. I have had to learn to draw a line on how much I am capable of dwelling on a difficult subject.

But on the whole, I find that writing is helping me to keep finely tuned who I am as a person. There are lots of things that knock us or suppress our hopes and dreams from day to day. But taking a few minutes out to write from the inner person of the heart, to share our deepest feelings – well, I think it is a wonderful way to express and reaffirm who we are.

Two Part question: Do you need your surroundings, a candle, lighting, music, etc. to be a certain way to get those writing juices flowing? What’s your writing atmosphere like?

pjs.jpgNot really. My little nest here is very pleasant. I sometimes type at my desk, sometimes while sitting on the sofa or even sitting up in bed.

I am scared of candles, so a candle certainly would not help me relax. Lighting does not seem to make any difference. I don’t usually listen to music while I write, but sometimes I do, or I might even have the television on but in silence. There is not much I like to watch on television, but seeing people’s faces or scenery pops little ideas into my head. Weird hey!

How many hours do you spend on your blog/writing?

blaMy schedule used to be great. I had two mornings where I started work at 1pm and I could have a relaxing morning writing lots of posts and scheduling them to be published throughout the week. But since January 2020, my schedule changed dramatically. I have had to work a lot of overtime at work because a colleague left and they still have not recruited anyone to replace her.

So I have had very little time for writing new material. Most of the posts I have published in recent weeks were posts I wrote last year and were lingering in my drafts folder. I have used half an hour before I go to bed to try to finish posts off and get them scheduled to be published. These award posts take a long time, so I just grab fifteen minutes when I can to deal with them one question at a time.

I know things will go back to normal, but at the moment I am really just doing everything little by little. But little by little adds up.

Two part question: Do you have a blogging/writing schedule? How do you decide what work best?

hoamsWell, as I mentioned above, I used to have a schedule. It was working very well. But since January 2020, It’s helpful that when I did have those two mornings a week, I would sit down and write so much. My drafts folder has all that material I wrote when I had the time. I have not been able to write as much new material this year.

Sometimes I come home from work and feel so tired I could cry. But occasionally I come home and write something. It helps me unwind and forget the horrors of the day.

Also…because I have written almost 1500 posts in the past, I sometimes do a bit of recycling. I don’t just mean republishing entire posts. But sometimes using part of another post. For example one of the questions above (the one about advice for new bloggers) is a recycled answer I first published over a year ago. Recycling can save you a lot of time!!!

Does your family support your blog/ writing?

Amazingly, it is still something I have not shared with my family.  I planned to share it with them. Especially as it is often inspired by them. My motivation for some time has been my family – who still don’t know about my blogging. Some of the experiences I have written about I withheld from them in the past. For example, they have no idea of the challenges I faced during my first job in London with my boss.

I want them to have this if anything happens to me, as a result of the head injuries I received. I want most of this site to be of great enjoyment and comfort to them, with a few eye-openers I have not wanted to share before.  Last year I had a few frights, I was in hospital several times after blackouts. My head injuries keep me aware that life is fragile. So I felt I wanted this blog to be something my family could enjoy if ever one of my “not breathing episodes” took me from them.

I love the idea that they could read the posts and enjoy what is going on in the inner me.

What did you want to do as a child and are you doing it?

memsoWhat did I want to do as a child? Climb trees, play football and eat ice-cream. Yes, climbing trees is still something I do in the summertime. Yes, I play football with friends in the park, again in the summer. Ice-cream is not as big a part of my life as I would like it to be. The problem is dairy. I occasionally have sorbet or a dairy free ice-cream, but to be honest ice-cream of any variety has almost dropped off my radar.

If you could go back to your younger self, would you do anything differently? What would you say to your younger self, if anything?

Blond, Bridge, Fun, Girl, Happy, JoyOh I would probably do some things differently. I used to get a bit carried away at times. I was a pretty good kid at school – top grades for everything, on all the school sports teams etc, but sometimes I would get too excited and some teacher would blast me because I was shrieking in the corridors or dancing on the teacher’s desk (no, really, i did dance the can-can on the French teacher’s desk) or…play fighting with the boys and ending up smearing their faces in the mud. I think I was a good kid on the whole, but I had a bit of a wild streak that got me into trouble occasionally. Teachers and other kids liked me a lot though, so I didn’t get into any serious trouble. I “got away” with things like bunking off school.

What would I say to my younger self? Hmm. I did listen to my parent 99% of the time. So I have avoided a lot of trouble. But I do regret the time I wasted working for the record company and fawning over music artists. So I guess I would tell my younger self not to be remotely curious about idiots. I would tell myself that the music world is full of nasties, don’t bother with the music industry.

What is your favorite and less favorite, book to movie?

Book to movie…oooh. The thing about many books is that you get to know the characters so much more intimately. I don’t find I connect with movie or television characters. It’s all too “flash in the pan” for me. When I read a book, my entire attention is on the book. But whenever I sit down to watch a movie or a show, I become distracted by all sorts. If I do watch a show, I often can hardly remember a thing about it afterwards. But I like a movie that captures a little of how I felt on reading the book.

I will give you two examples, The first is “The Count Of Monte Cristo”. I absolutely loved this book. I mean wow! What a story. It packs in an incredible amount of emotion and drama. It is one of the most epic books I have read. It is a long book. It’s not really a book you can make a two hour movie out of, more a twelve part television series. There is a great dramatisation that I think was for TV with Gerard Depardieu. They packed so much from the book into the series, although they did tweak the ending.

I always find it strange when Hollywood changes the ending of a famous book, but I do understand why. (I reckon that if Hollywood got their hands on my LEARNERS AT LOVE series, they would change who Annabelle ends up with.)

However, Hollywood did make a two hour movie out of it…and you know what – surprisingly, I loved it! I even forgave Hollywood for changing a key part of the plot (in connection with Mercedes). I loved it because, they captured the spirit of the book. The fascination other characters have with the mysterious and magnificent Count Of Monte Cristo. I think they did a great job of portraying how some of the other characters go from bad to worse in their selfish ambitious thinking.

Questions For My Nominees


My Nominees

Racheal Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

I have been nominated for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD by Racheal, the creator of Racheal’s Novels, as you can see from her wonderful post below:

Mystery Blogger Award



  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog/post
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank the person that nominated you – THANK YOU RACHAEL!
  4. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  5. Nominate 10-20 people and notify your nominees
  6. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice

Three Things About Me

central heating.jpg

I love fresh air! In the winter months, everyone turns the heating up at work and I really struggle with the heat. I wear thin fabrics in an effort not to overheat. But if I had my way…there would always be a window open somewhere letting a nice cool breeze in and clearing out all the germs from winter colds!

harassing.gifI find it hard when supervisors or managers in my paid jobs think they can harass me by making multiple phone calls and leaving several messages on my phone, asking me to come into work to cover somebody else’s shift at short notice. On my days away from paid work, I am doing unpaid work as a volunteer for charities (or else I am away visiting my family (over 200 miles away) or perhaps with Jack). I sometimes come back to my nest after a few days away to find my answering machine is full of messages. What is the matter with them? I have agreed to work certain hours, and I will do them. I can’t spare any other time for the mundane task of making money. I only do the paid work I need to cover my rent and buy groceries. I am too busy with more important things. But it is really hard to get that across to the supervisors at my paid jobs.

eevenstsI am trying to be really careful about what I eat at the moment and also I am out walking a lot. I want to slim a little, not a lot, just a little. It’s not because I am unhappy about my body. It’s because next year I am going to start attending events with Jack publicly. The first will be in January. There will be cameras. Cameras do me no favours at all! I don’t mind posing for photographers, but I really hate seeing photographs of myself. It’s something I am dreading. I love Jack though, and I want to be with him. So I am going to try to give myself that boost of confidence so that I look pretty for the pictures of him with me tagging along. I will be getting all dressed up so that Jack is proud to have me by his side.

Questions From Rachael

What is your favourite underrated movie?

I have some favourite movies…but I am not so sure they are underrated. Top of the list is “The Sound of Music”!!!


In case you are not sure of all the movies I put images of in the grid above…here they are:

  • Finding Nemo
  • Waking Ned
  • Life Is Beautiful
  • Singing In The Rain
  • Bride And Prejudice
  • My Fair Lady
  • Dead Poet’s Society
  • Working Girl
  • The Goonies

…and oh, add to that almost anything with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

What is your personal favourite MCU/DC movie/comic book/character(s)?

comsisI am not sure what some of this question means? MCU/DC movie? Perhaps I am a bit out of touch.

But when it comes to comics, well I remember reading Dennis The Menace when I was a kiddo. I could not get enough of him. I have no idea why, but when I think of comics, Dennis The Menace is first place, followed by Garfield in second place.

What do you most enjoy about history?

I enjoy thinking of all the people who would have lived in very different circumstances.

When I was a little girl, I remember we went on a school trip to a local historical property. First of all, we toured the areas of the house where the wealthy family would have lived. We saw fine furniture and decor and imagined the well-dressed family passing their time there.


Then we toured the areas of the property where servants would have worked and slept. I was a only around six years old, so I cannot remember much in detail, but I do remember the tour-guide pointing to a sack bed and telling us that several would have slept in that bed. That made a big impression on me.

of great interestSo ever since then, whatever I learn of history, I am curious to know the living and working conditions of people. I especially compare those with wealth compared to those without. There is a lot of “showing off” in history. A lot of self-glory and boasting about accomplishments and greatness. But when you look at the abuse, the degradation and dire poverty of so many people, I find myself seeing those boasting elite, powerful rulers or upper classes as despicable.

Humans have dominated other humans for thousands of years and have caused great injury to their fellow human family members. So although I find history fascinating, I also find it grievous.

It just to confirms to me that humans should not be ruling over themselves. Our Creator should. Not only because He was the one who originally gave us life and a beautiful home and exciting assignment…but because history has made very clear what human rulership looks like.

Have you ever had something happen to you or someone else in life that made you step back and re-look at everything?

Well…I think that when I was around five years old, I first dealt with my first big ordeal. Some very close friends of ours were in a tragic accident. Icy roads, a lorry pulverised their car. It was a shock to everyone. I was only five, but I decided it was about time I started to read the scriptures. I was so moved by what I read about our Creator’s power to undo death and raise people back to life on earth.

Since then, very little has genuinely phased me. The wonderful training and stable background my parents provided, the precious knowledge I gained from reading the scriptures and keeping my mind fixed on what really matters, they have all helped me to deal with challenges in my own life.

distraughtI have had some challenges to deal with, I had eighteen months of illness around eleven years twelve years ago. I had four surgical operations and had a very unpleasant time with postoperative infections. My immune system seemed to be completely thrashed for some time and I had so little energy. What I found tough was that it seemed as if I would never be able to achieve my long-term goal of qualifying to be an international volunteer. But amazingly, I did!

Being the victim of slander and trolling for two years was hard. I found myself facing despair after the accumulative effect of all that nastiness. My self-esteem had crumbled. I was anxious whenever I left my home. But I was not comfortable within my home either.

AmbulanceOf course that led me to make a foolish decision. I was on my own late at night in a park in London (because I felt I couldn’t face going home) when I was the victim of a serious crime. A security guard found me unconscious the next morning. I was hidden in bushes and badly beaten up. When I woke up I was in an ambulance speeding to a nearby hospital. I was told that it is possible my attacker left me thinking I was dead. So…yes, that was a challenge.

songaBut the good news is…I have enjoyed a rich and wonderful life, which has helped the challenges fade to the back of my mind. Recently, the man who made me the interest of all those people who were unkind about me online…well, he has made contact with me, made peace with me, and turns out to have been in love with me for years. Which is pretty awesome. What is equally as awesome, is that I have always admired him and wanted to be on friendly terms with him. I am currently in the beautiful and intoxicating process of falling more deeply in love with him everyday.

cold outsideLife is extraordinary at times! I feel that I am going through one of the most remarkable phases of my life right now. But I am a realist. Challenges can come at anytime. Not everyday is sunny and bright. Cold cruel winds can start to blow, leaving us struggling to keep our embers burning within. Sickness, accidents, the turbulence among mankind in general – any of these can arise. If you are not prepared for challenges, you may suffer more.

I prepare by keeping my focus on what my Creator wants. He wants good! He wants his creatures to enjoy life and to enjoy the satisfaction of work and good food and the wonders of creation. Yet while He is allowing the issues Adam’s rebellion raised to be settled, there will be challenges, some of them may seem insurmountable. Yet soon…all that spoils what our Creator had in mind will be gone…forever! The best, better than anything we can imagine, is yet ahead!


Who’s your favourite fictional author?

I am not very good with these favourite questions. But I can’t not mention three whose books I could happily read again and again.

Jane Austen

Victor Hugo

Alexandre Dumas

Questions For My Nominees

  1. Do you take any vitamins or supplements, or do you depend on a varied diet to take in all your nutrition?
  2. When you see all these sparkly perfume adverts on television, featuring glamorous scenes with famous actors and models – what do you think of them?
  3. Do remember any school trips that you loved or made a big impression on you?
  4. If a crime was committed in your neighbourhood which literary or screen fictional detective would you like to be sent to solve it?
  5. What would your perfect romantic date be like?

My Nominees

Kristian Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

I have been nominated for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD by one of my favourite bloggers, wonderful Kristian, the creator of Tales from the mind of Kristian, as you can see from his post below:



What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions from the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 10-20 other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to your best posts.

Three Things About Me

bloggging6I have recently written a long fictional project that has given me the opportunity to weave a lot of personal situations in my life and portray them through the lives of my fictional characters, my main protagonist was Annabelle Riley. Although it probably isn’t particularly worthy of anyone else’s attention, I have found the writing the story tremendously satisfying and rewarding.

Whenever I am distressed by what is going on in the world, I close my eyes and call to mind a vision that has comforted me since I was a child. That sounds a bit weird doesn’t it. I am not suggesting I was miraculously given a vision. It’s just something that I envision based on what I have read since I was five years old. It’s hard to describe in detail what I see and the feelings it stirs.


The only way I can describe it is universal peace. But it has at the center someone who loves us so dearly – our Creator. Around him trillions and trillions orbit. And there is peace. The feeling of peace is overwhelming. It is tremendously comforting. After I was raped and attacked…I used to have to call that vision to mind frequently. It was immensely powerful and calming. It sums up the hope I have, not just for me, but for everything living. I long for the entire universe to be a peace and to feel loved. It’s not something I want for myself alone, I want everyone to feel that sense of security and to know that there is nothing and nobody sinister who is going to disturb that peace. I’m a funny old thing aren’t I! But if you were to read my heart and peer into my dreams…that is what you find.

sighSomething amazing has happened to me recently. Somebody who I thought hated me, because of a situation that has caused me tremendous anguish for years, made contact with me. Since then, he and I have been spending a lot of time together. My heart has been doing somersaults. Anyone who has experienced that kind of rift with somebody they loved must be able to relate to how much you long for relief, for peace to be restored. It does feel like a miracle has occurred.

One Of My Best Posts

I have been looking back at some of the posts I have written in the past. ALthough dire to read, some of them were very important to me. I know that some who read them found it hard to understand. But I was trying to explain how I truly felt. But now I am so glad that I put my feelings down on record. I have written a lot down over the past six or seven years, ever since we met. It helps to reassure him. He had no idea what I was thinking and feeling.

Everyone Kept Saying That I Had To Let You Go… I Love You, You’re The Love Of My Life

Questions From Kristian

Where do you think all the things that are lost go to?

I don’t actually have all that much. What I do lose is the occasional sock, umbrellas (I leave them all over London when travelling around) and phone numbers that people give me on a scrap of paper.

lost1Well, funny enough I found a lot of the things I lost recently. I have been driving myself crazy looking for shoes and books and kitchen equipment ever since I came back from Australia. Well I found a box with a lot of those things in them. I packed a lot of my personal items away when I was going to Australia because there was a holiday maker here in my flat while I was away. When I came back I unpacked most of my personal items, but somehow I missed a box. Phew!

If we go forward in time far enough would we end up back at the beginning?

time passing.gifI expect not.

We have been able to chart the passing of time with the movements of earth in relation to the sun and moon and stars.

We are so young. Our concept of time is so basic. And we are often conscious of having a limited amount of time to accomplish what we think we need to.

I wonder if the way we measure time will change when we start to feel forever stretching out before us.

What is the greatest mystery that you would like to know the answer to?

I love geology, but it is a field where you read a lot of contradictory information. I feel safer with physics and maths, so long as it is not overly theoretical. In the field of geology, like a lot of history, different researchers look at evidence and give their interpretation of it. It would be wonderful to know accurately what happened.

upended.jpgI remember doing a tour of caves in Gibraltar. The tour guide explained that geologists feel that the rock has been turned upside down. They explained that some force ripped up the rock and upended it. They theorise that this would have allowed waters from the Atlantic to pour into the Mediterranean basin. The guide said they think it would have been one of the most spectacular waterfalls to have occured on Planet Earth.

Do you think we’ll ever find intelligent life in space?

Would you like the short answer or the long one???

angelI do believe that there are plenty of intelligent creatures who are not like us. We are made of matter. There are intelligent creatures who are not made of matter. Why do I say that? Well, our Creator was able to take vast amounts of energy and convert it into matter. He himself is unlikely to be made of matter if he has this kind of control over it.

Before our Creator formed the material universe, He made other creatures like Him, also not made of matter. They were present when He made the earth. They were present when He prepared it for habitation and introduced millions of creatures. They were present when He created the first two intelligent creatures made of matter.

makeIt seems unlikely that He created intelligent creatures made of matter on other planets. Why do I say that? Well, if there were other intelligent creatures made of matter, then I suspect the way our Creator dealt with the issues caused by Adam and Eve’s rebellion may have been different. But our Creator did not want to give up on His purpose. The history of mankind will provide a judicial precedent for any other intelligent creatures – our history on earth may well provide a testimony for the rest of intelligent creation throughout the material universe.

Do you think we’ll find it on earth?

“Intelligent life”? Is this a joke question? Or I am detecting a hint of cynicism?

The capacity we have as humans is remarkable.

brain universeFor years man’s brain has been likened to a computer, yet recent discoveries show that the comparison falls far short. “How does one begin to comprehend the functioning of an organ with somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 billion neurons with a million billion synapses (connections), and with an overall firing rate of perhaps 10 million billion times per second?” asked Dr. Richard M. Restak. His answer? “The performance of even the most advanced of the neural-network computers . . . has about one ten-thousandth the mental capacity of a housefly.” Consider, then, how much a computer fails to measure up to a human brain, which is so remarkably superior.

brainThe Encyclopædia Britannica states that man’s brain “is endowed with considerably more potential than is realizable in the course of one person’s lifetime.”⁠ It also has been stated that the human brain could take any load of learning and memory put on it now, and a billion times that! We use a tiny tiny fraction of our brain’s potential in a normal human lifetime.

quote9.jpgBut there is another remarkable capacity that all intelligent creatures need ongoing training and practice with: genuine unselfish love or kindness. We have an amazing capacity for capacity for genuine, disinterested, true altruism.  Only in humans is it practiced with an awareness of the cost, or sacrifice, that may be involved.

In other words…our potential is simply astronomical…both the capacity of our brains and the capacity of our figurative hearts…what we need is our Creator’s guidance to help reach our full potential! It’s hard to reach our potential with bruised and broken hearts. We are going to need patient loving care before we can run like horses!

Questions For My Nominees


My Nominees


Rory Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

Back in August, wonderful Rory, the creator of A Guy Called Bloke, nominated me for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD, as you can see from his fantastic post below:



What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog – THANK YOU RORY!
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions from the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 10-20 other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to your best posts.

One Of My Best Posts

It is really hard to pick a best post. There is one that I have mentioned numerous times before. My very favourite post:


But here is another one that I really enjoyed writing and I love to go to it and read it again 🙂

Perfect Day

That day was so perfect. I wish I could go back and have it again and again! Perfect days like that day make life sparkle for a long time afterwards! May your life be filled with many beautiful and perfect days!

My Five Questions

Tomorrow is the end of humanity. What destroys us?

yeh i knowWell, because I had no answer to this question, I asked a friend (you know in like that quiz show with Chris Turamt – ooopsy, did I mean Tarrant?), and he said “dinosaurs”, which everyone laughed at. But hear him out, he said at the end of the last Jurassic movie (my eyes were glazing over at this point) the dinosaurs ran off wild somewhere in California apparently. So he says, if that was real life, dinosaurs would end humanity. You should have seen my face listening to this. Anyway, my response was, well of they are in California, let’s hope they head for Hollywood first hey?

I am so glad I am not really a movie watcher (anything with Julie Andrews is obviously an exception).

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

I love your cryptic questions Rory!

Well, it all depends on whether you read the posts from these positive lifestyle bloggers. Some might say you had failed, others would say that you succeeded. But other people would say you tried – and that is all that counts!


If your best friend had murdered someone would you help bury the body?

emergency callNope! Are you kidding??? That would be a turning point in our relationship I feel. Wouldn’t that be an awful situation to be confronted by?

My obvious response would be to ring 999 and report what had happened.

What was the weirdest, strangest and most mysterious phone call you ever took or made?

Phone call – hmm??? I will have a think about that one and see what I remember.

Nothing amazing is standing out. I have had a few funny conversations with cold callers (I don’t have a mortgage, I don’t have an account with any utility companies and I think I would know if I had earn enough money to owe £3000 tax!)

weird callsLast year I had a phone-call from a gentleman who was not making any sense at all. He was incredible hard to understand. It was painful. After about half an hour I established that he had my CV and wanted to invite me to an interview. However, I could not understand the name of the company or the role that they were recruiting for. I was asking all sorts of questions to try to find out what I needed, what kind of business was his company involved in? Where were they located? But nothing he said was making sense. He may as well have been speaking another language. It was so awful. In the end I had to keep saying, please e-mail me with the information. And several times I repeated, “I am so sorry, I cannot understand you. I am putting the telephone down now.

Ying, Yang, Yong, Yeng and Yung, which is best that describes your personality and why?

to guam and back.jpgI have no idea what those words mean – but I would happily call myself YOUNG.

Only one other blogger knows my exact age and I have threatened him that if he let’s my age slip – there will be trouble ahead. Don’t tell him, but I have no idea what exactly that trouble would involve! Possibly being tied to the exercise bike and having to cycle all the way to Guam and back!

Regardless of my age…I am just a girl! I feel as if I only left school yesterday!

Five Questions For My Nominees


My Nominees

Kristian Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

So much has been happening in my life. It’s all very bizarre and dramatic. I am trying to keep my head cool and not let my heart to go bounding wildly into a whirlwind of nonsensical romantic disillusionment…but…it is so tempting!!!

Back in August, Kristian, the creator of Tales from the mind of Kristian, nominated me for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD, as you can see from his brilliant post below:



What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog – THANK YOU KRISTIAN! SORRY IT IS SO LATE!
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions from the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 10-20 other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to your best posts.

Three Things About Me

Smiling woman getting her hair styled and hair salon.

I have always felt very nervous, quite frightened about going to a hair salon and having strangers wash and cut my hair. It used to move me to tears! I preferred my mum to cut my hair, but when rheumatoid arthritis made it hard for her to hold the scissors I had to go elsewhere. I have a few friends who are hairdressers and if they have time, one of them kindly trims my hair for me. But if I ever have to go to a real salon, I spend the whole time extremely tense. The stylists sometimes ask me questions that I don’t want to answer. In recent years, I have tried to combat this by taking control of the conversation and bombarding them with questions.

smiler 1I do not understand racism, or even nationalism. As far as I am concerned, I am a member of the human family. Whenever I pick up on people having an air of superiority or feeling they are special, or more deserving, on account of where they are born or the shade of their skin…well, I just find those kind of attitudes repugnant. Now that I am being open I will also add, I hear people in western countries moaning about what they don’t have, or that they don’t have as much now as they used to have, and I think to myself, “You have no idea! Let’s uproot you and relocate you where the average wage is around $1 or $2 a day shall we? Once you have returned to your “home-country”, hopefully you will never moan again!” There are some very spoilt people in western lands who take so much for granted.

i cant drawMy brain leans towards maths, physics and chemistry. I am fascinated by geology and marine biology. I do enjoy reading about history and culture, but I find my brain is sorely lacking when it comes to art. Goldfinch loves art. I love that about him. But my brain is so hopeless when it comes to art. I have tried, but I fall back on drawing goofy cartoons because I become so frustrated with my efforts. Algebra, trigonometry any day! Ask me to write a letter, or an essay – easy peasy! But if you ask me to draw a self-portrait, well the paper will be covered with my tears because I don’t seem to be able to move the pencil around the paper to produce anything other than a cartoon character. And I now think that it is a hand-eye-brain coordination thing. I was always deemed good at sports, but that was only because I had so much energy and stamina. I was not great at catching, or aiming. Just furiously energetic and without any fear of tackling the opposing team. But I always had to pass the ball to a team-mate because I had no skills.

One Of My Favourite Posts

bluebellI have a few favourites. I mentioned a couple of my favourites in another award post recently. But this is also very much one of my favourite posts that I like to go back and read over. It is about a memory I have of the very first time I saw bluebells! I was only a little child, and I was up int he woods where we used to play. The whole woodland floor had turned blue. I was enthralled by it!

Hiding In The Shade

Questions From Kristian

If you could be a flavour of Ice Cream which one would you be and why?

I love this question. Of course I am so tempted to say caramel flavour. But I think caramel on it’s own can be a little bit sickly. 

So I think I would be a combination flavour. I think something classy. Either espresso flavour for a little bitterness to contrast with the sweet caramel (no, I am not a bitter person) or pistachio, which is so moreish and delicious. I also love peanut butter ice-cream. Ooooh so hard to choose!

If you could change one thing in history, and only one, what would it be?

adam and eveAnother great question. One that is extremely thought provoking.

There is a huge impulse to say I wish I could change the rebellion of the first two humans against our Creator. The results of human self-rule have been bitterly cruel and grievous. However, I do realize that in the future, both we on earth, and all intelligent creatures in the universe, will look back on this period of history and see it as a judicial precedent for any future disturbance to peace in our universe.

of great interestThere are many unspeakably horrific crimes that have taken place on a huge scale, that mar human history. The crusades, the holocaust, the invasion of other lands by greedy nations. But when I think about it, our history is very important. Our history is going to provide judicial testimony that is going to bring peace to our planet and peace to the entire universe.

What do I mean you may ask? It is clear that our Creator was deeply grieved when the rebellion occurred. He foresaw the outcome, the consequences of human self-rule. He warned that it would result in great suffering. He has only allowed this because he knew he would be able to heal the damage caused and restore the human family and this earth to his original purpose. He determined that the period of human independence would come to an end. He set the date. Nothing will change that. He will not allow human rulership to go on forever. There is a limit to how much damage He will allow.

future1In the meantime, He continued to the accomplishment of His own purpose. He provided His Word which would guide those who sought his rulership. He provided hundreds of prophecies pointing to the appearance of His “sent one” or “Messiah” or “Christ” – who would become the ruler of a government established by our Creator. Christ demonstrated the power he would be given over disease, the weather, and even death. He showed on a very small scale what he would be empowered to perform on a global scale in the future.

He also commanded his followers not to interfere with human rulerships, but not to get involved with them either. Christians are to pay their taxes, obey the law and to be peaceful. While Christians ultimately look to their Creator and the Christ, who has been appointed King of God’s Kingdom, they remember that right now we are under the authority of human rulerships. Human governments are allowed to be there. They provide an element of stability which benefits us.

world.jpgWhy? Because human rulership is on trial. There is already a very checkered history on record. There may have been some who seemed genuine in their motives, but even those who seem noble have had limited success.

How many human governments have been able to ensure that the basic needs (adequate food, healthcare, work and shelter etc.) of all their population were satisfied? How many short-sighted decisions have been made in the name of profit and innovation, which have damaged our environment and have been detrimental to people’s health? How many inhuman atrocities have been committed? How many governments have allowed disgusting economic extremes? Wars, genocide, slavery, oppression and cruelty mar the pages of human history in every corner of our globe.

future2.jpgIf our Creator had continued to intervene to prevent bad things from happening – would it not make people think that human rule is not that bad after all? Our Creator has already recorded his view of the thousands of years of human rulership that he has witnessed. Grossly inadequate, a failure. Some rulers he has seen are highly reprehensible.

However, in the near future there will be events that may seem incomprehensible right now. At the moment, with the ineptness of the current forms of government manifesting itself, it doesn’t seem all that far-fetched that soon governments will give more power and more authority to the United Nations, does it! That is something that was prophesied in the scriptures centuries before the League of Nations and the United Nations were even formed. The reason behind that development and what will happen next is all in the scriptures.

Very soon there will be an issue that will affect everyone on the planet. Are we as individuals eager to have our Creator’s guidance? Or will we choose human self-rule? I find it hard to imagine why anyone who knows anything about history, and anyone who witnesses the events that are soon to take place would choose human rulership. But at the end of the day, we have all individually been dignified with free will and choice. You cannot force someone to love our Creator. That is not what He wants. His rule will be marked by love. He wants His creatures to willingly choose to look too Him for guidance because they love and trust Him.

By the end of a thousand year period of rule under the government established by our Creator, we will be in an even better position to make a whole-hearted choice. During that time the earth will have been restored to the paradise He intended. He will have resurrected those who had died during the thousands of years of human rulership. Disease, old-age, abuse, pollution, war, crime will be distant memories.

paradise7Humans will face another pivotal moment. A decision will be before them once again. Yet again the question of who should rule will be thrown up. The scriptures show this is the final time this issue will need to be answered on such a large scale. It is after that that we can say all things have been restored. There truly will be complete peace throughout the universe.

There will be a vital historical record of everything that happened, how the Creator handled challenges and questions over His rulership. From then on, if anyone in the universe raises the question of authority again, there will be billions of humans on earth who will shout “No!” The question of who should rule will never need to be answered in this way ever again.

future3.jpgYou are worthy, our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created. – Revelation 4:11

What is the greatest advice you’ve ever been given?

Oh my goodness, I have been given so much good advice! How do I pick one thing??? One piece of advice I remember every single day is that kindness is always the right choice. There are so many people at breaking point! If you had any idea how heavy the hearts of some where, or what is going on in their mind…always choose to be kind!


If you could have anything for your last meal, what would you choose?

IMG_20190728_190446I don’t intend to ever stop eating in all honesty. I love variety, so it’s hard to pick favourites because I love new flavours and ingredients.

But there are meals I just never ever tire of. Salad, lasagne, garlic bread would make me very happy any time! Add to it a glass of wine and finish everything off with a very naughty pudding and I will be very happy just before I slip into a food coma and sleep it all off!

If you could be a character in a book, which one would you be?

Hmm…such good questions.

persuasionI think I have a huge soft spot for Anne Elliot in Jane Austen’s “Persuasion“. The first time I read that book, I started to adore her from the first chapter. I did not know Jane Austen’s books at all back then.

I was very anxious about what would happen to Anne Elliot all the way through. I thought that in the latter half of the back, Jane Austen was trying to steer Anne towards a happy-ish ending. But the actual ending knocked my socks off! I wasn’t expecting that at all. And I loved it!

I love happy endings! Especially the type that seem completely impossible, the type you have lost all hope could ever occur!

Life – it is so wonderful! Just think after all the twists and turns in human history, we are going to have the happiest outcome that could possible imagined! Things we thought impossible, the resurrection of all those who have died, the restoration of paradise, life without pain and suffering, universal peace under the loving rulership of a powerful, just wise Creator who loves us and wants us to be happy forever!!!

Questions or My Nominees

  3. IF YOU WERE GOING TO BE A TOURIST IN ENGLAND (if you live in England then imagine you are having a stay-cation) WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT?

My Nominees


Cyranny Has Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award

I have received a nomination from Cyranny (forgive me, I don’t know if that’s your real name), the creator of Cyranny’s Cove for THE MYSTERY BLOGGER AWARD, as you can see from the fabulous post below:

Mystery Blogger Award!

mystery blogger award.jpg

What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog – THANK YOU CYRANNY!
  4. Answer the questions from the blogger who nominated you
  5. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  6. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  7. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  8. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  9. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  10. Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Things About Me

What do you want to know??? I am running out of new things I can tell you because I have done so many of these award posts.

I think that going out to Australia has helped me to break my addiction to mayonnaise. I was in the very bad habit of adding it to almost every meal at home. But I have not had any mayonnaise for two months now – which is great! Well, maybe not so great for Hellmanns.

sailing into sunsetMy dream is to build a boat (with the man I love) and sail around the world as slowly as possible – immersing ourselves in the local communities wherever we travel, making friends (members of our wonderful human family) and exploring their cuisine, music, culture.

I don’t like living alone. I grew up in a large family (I am one of seven children). I lived on my own for two years in Berkshire and I have lived on my own here for two and a half years. Too long. I thrive with people around me. Living alone is not something I enjoy. However, when I hear of the stories and situations some of my friends and colleagues have with strange  or difficult housemates, I try to remember that if I was living with the wrong people, I may really struggle.

Questions From Cyranny

(Although Cyranny has given us the questions she received from Suzi from My Colourful Life)

What is the weirdest thing that has happened to you?

The weirdest thing? Oooooh. Lots of weird things have happened. Most seemed weird at the time, but were less weird when someone explained their actions.

The first one is this: I SHARED A TAXI WITH A UNICORN – from Bath (near Bristol) all the way to London, after our train was cancelled. Neither the unicorn or myself paid the fare. It was all covered by the rail company. And…the unicorn and I had a conversation in Chinese Mandarin. Now please do not roll your eyes at me. I answered the question didn’t I!

The second weird thing is as follows:

-E7Some years ago I was in Monte Carlo.  I was visiting the palace and ended up straying from the group of tourists I was with and wandering into an area where I was presented with a glass of champagne. Friendly old me started chatting with a couple of people around my age.  After a while, I decided to leave the group and go and find where my mum had disappeared to.

As I stepped out onto the pavement a few people who I believe were speaking German ran up to me and started babbling at me.  I could not understand them at all.  But they were taking photographs of me and all seemed rather excited.  The group of people who were gathering around me started to grow and cameras were all pointed at me.  To be honest I found it rather intimidating. Then I spotted my mum through the crowd laughing at me and looking as bewildered as I was.  I pushed my way through everyone to reach my mum and asked her if we could go somewhere less crowded.

I have no idea why scores of people were excited to see me and were taking photographs.  It was weird.  I have asked every German friend I have if I resemble any well known German celebrities.

What is your biggest accomplishment?

I was one of a very small number of women to be assigned as a full-time international volunteer. They say it’s tougher than joining the marines.

I longed to become a full-time international volunteer. I had met many who were. But I was given a very realistic description of the challenges that are involved in that role. The accommodation is very basic and modest – well small, very small. There is a a strict schedule and volunteers are often required to work “over-time”. There can be challenges when sharing kitchen and bathroom areas with other volunteers who come from different backgrounds and cultures. The physical demands and difficulties in the various challenging assignments can be exhausting. And for everything you do you receive food and lodgings but no wages. I am pretty sure the marines are paid some kind of salary.

construction clothesFor many reasons, the number of single men vastly outweighs the number of single women. There are many many part-time roles for women, but the role of a full-time international volunteer is so tough, that it is normally only men who are invited to take up this role. The physical, emotional, mental tests they put you under are designed to reveal if you really can take on a self-sacrificing role and if you really can be sent anywhere in the world and adapt to any way of living. Many men cannot hack it. Yet in general, they are more likely to endure and remain in this role for longer.

It was astonishing when I finally was invited after almost fourteen years of giving on average twenty hours every week to voluntary projects all over the country.

What are you most proud of?


I am proud of all the time I have spent as a volunteer. I am proud I have had the chance to work with some amazing people. I am proud of the projects I have been part of. I am proud that I have not been paid any money for any of that work, and yet it was more important than any paid employment. I feel as if I have really lived.

(Weird/funny)  If you were to be arrested, what would it be for?

Well…I hope it would be a wonderful thing.

I have read about people who were imprisoned, not due to to some immoral heinous act, but because they could not go along with what they knew was wrong. I have read the stories of others who were executed for their courageous stand for right. Their conscience objected to something a government required. I have met German conscientious objectors who refused to perform the Nazi salute (that infamous expression “heil Hitler” became mandatory for German citizens when he was in power). They were in their eighties mostly when I met them, but they had they had that sparkle in their eye that comes with a clean conscience.

I am really in awe of those who are not swept up in the heat of propaganda, not easily swayed by popular opinion. Those who have their eyes fixed on what is right and true and will not compromise their integrity. Quiet, peaceful, ordinary people made into superheros by remarkable courage.

Yes they may have been afraid. They may have been scorned or punished by others. But they knew there are some things more important than fear. I am so impressed by those who have immense conviction and quietly and respectfully hold their ground on matters which put their beliefs to the test.

I hope that if I am ever confronted with a situation like that, I have the courage to refuse to do what I know is wrong, even when threatened with arrest and imprisonment (or worse.)

(Shameless self-promotion)  Would you like to be featured as part of my Saturday Shout Out series?

This is new to me. Saturday Shout Outs sound like a great idea. I am going to head over to the link provided and find out all about it! If you want to read all about Saturday Shout Outs, head on over to My Colourful Life, created by Suzi Trench:


Questions For My Nominees

  1. Do your friends and family know about your blog? Do they read your posts?
  2. Have you ever been mistaken for someone else leading to a embarrassing situation?
  3. Do you speak any other languages?
  4. If I invited you over for dinner, what would you like me to cook or bake for you?
  5. What would be the first song you would choose to sing in a karaoke party or contest? (if you don’t already, imagine you have a perfect voice and lots of confidence)

My Nominees