When Your Heart Is 10,100 Miles Away!

Here is hoping that the plan Goldfinch and I are hatching for the weekend works out just the way we hope!

Our plans are simple, a leisurely stroll hand-in-hand, through the woods as the trees start to turn various shades of gold, followed by pub grub.

Hopefully building more beautiful memories of Goldfinch which I will treasure for years to come!

My main concern is that the thought of how much I am going to miss Goldfinch makes my eyes very leaky and I don’t want to spoil his weekend by sobbing every five minutes. I have to make sure I can control it.

I keep thinking of how I am going to feel once he has gone to Australia – he is planning to go in November.  By then it will be cold, dark and wet here and my heart will be far far away, over 10,000 miles away.

Aaaaah – sigh!


FOWC with Fandango — Heart