I Would Love Your View On A Very Controversial Question?

Goldfinch and I differ in one key respect: POPCORN!

The night we met…you see I had popcorn…sweet popcorn.  He said later that was the only thing I did wrong that night!  He insists popcorn should be salty.

Last time we went to the cinema together, I shared a huge tub of salty popcorn with him – because I love him.  However, in my mind popcorn should be sweet.  I have grown up loving Butterkist Toffee popcorn.  So sweet toffee popcorn is absolute popcorn perfection to me.

I don’t want to take too much of your time, I am sure you are very busy writing your own posts, but would you kindly send a quick comment saying SWEET or SALTY and then later I can count them up and show Goldfinch the international response to this question.

If you have the time…ask all the members of your family or household…ask your workmates.  The more who are willing to offer a vote, the fairer a trial it will seem to Goldfinch.  I am sure it is not going to change his preferences…but I am hoping that if I receive enough support, he won’t think my liking sweet popcorn is quite so strange!

In the meantime…here are some other rather unusual flavours of popcorn that Joe & Seph’s actually make and presumably people buy them (I can only imagine pregnant women with cravings would enjoy them) but then everyone is different!



FOWC with Fandango — Question

81 thoughts on “I Would Love Your View On A Very Controversial Question?”

    1. My sister brought a big bag of sweet and salty popcorn and she said I can share it with Goldfinch next time I see him.
      But I have a feeling Goldfinch won’t want it…he thinks it should always be salty and sweet is odd. I am hoping to show him that there are a lot of people out there that like sweet popcorn.
      What about you Santosh…which do you honestly prefer? It’s ok, I won’t be offended if you prefer salty!

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      1. Hey l love the salty as it is traditional…. when I was younger, lots younger 🤪, you only got salty popcorn. It was much later that sweet popcorn was introduced. So for movies, I still prefer salty… and yes, I enjoy sweet at other times 😁

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      1. Occasionally I enjoy the salty kind, but then it gets all in my teeth and makes me unbearably thirsty… so I remember why I avoid it!

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        1. That’s what I found when I shared the salted popcorn with Goldfinch in the cinema, I drank an enormous amount and then was wriggling around in my seat because I needed to go to the ladies, but I didn’t want to miss the end of the film.

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  1. Sweet all the way!!! Although, I have got quite a taste for the sweet and salty popcorn you can buy now – I have even asked for half and half of each when I’ve gone to the cinema!! One thing is certain, I can’t go to the cinema and NOT have popcorn, it’s all part of the experience!

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  2. I would eat all of those. Yum! Have you ever had Chicago mix style popcorn? It’s caramel and cheddar. It’s amazing. Most grocery stores have it here in the states. I do also love some very salty, fake buttery movie theater popcorn too.

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      1. Yeah. I would totally try blue cheese rhubarb. I think it would be equivalent to having cranberries and blue cheese in a salad, because rhubarb is kind of a mild tart -sweet. I love trying new food. It’s my jam! And you should absolutely try the caramel and cheddar. It’s amazingly delicious. 😀

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  3. I’m not a big salty popcorn person. A little bit of butter on air popped. Caramel popcorn brings up memories of going to festivals in the city and my Dad would give me money to buy a bag for us to share.

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  4. For my hubby it’s salty, but I’m good with both. Unfortunately we don’t get the toffee one here in South Africa, because I am sure that I’d love that seeing as I am in for anything toffee. As for the other flavours you showed – yuck.

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  5. Any flavor WITHOUT THOSE HORRID KERNELS THAT GET STUCK IN YOUR TEETH. If someone comes up with that sort of popcorn, they’ll have a customer in me….for LIFE. Actually I like a nice even mixture of the two…sweet and savory. Here (across the pond), there’s several options, most contain peanuts for that savory kick in the midst of caramel popcorn. But sometimes (and it’s more in keeping with my diabetic ‘diet’) the lightly (very lightly) salted and buttery kind is best.

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    1. Thank you Melanie.
      We totally agree about those kernels. My little niece loves popcorn but we have to make sure each piece is safe for her because she can choke on the kernels.
      I am sure Goldfinch feels he has won the battle over popcorn! But he is so gorgeous I am happy for him!

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  6. Not a huge popcorn fan. Choc Bomb Ice-creams were always my go-to snack at the movies! 🙂

    Since it is the ‘sweet’ corn kernels that are being ‘popped’, sweet would seem the logical choice, but i love sweet corn cobs soaked in slightly salted butter. The corn is naturally sweet enough, adding something sweet to it seems a little excessive (and is what manufacturers do to make us eat/want more so they get fatter profits and we get fatter waistlines!)

    If i had to chose (and seeing how as i was diagnosed as diabetic 8 years ago because of my sweet tooth and now inject myself with insulin twice a day) I’m going with salty – ish. (Too much salt’s bad for the arteries) 😦

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    1. lol – it seems that there is no middle ground on this subject. I don’t think Goldfinch would be pleased if it wasn’t all salty. Perhaps his solution is salty popcorn, and I bake a cake for the sweet fix.

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    2. YES!! I love sweet and salty. It is easily the best version. Get him to try it. 🙂

      In the UK most cinemas have the option for both, but you can ask for a mix if you prefer…

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  7. That’s a tricky one… unless it’s Cracker Jack it must be salty… but every now and then, kettle corn is ok…

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    1. My sister bought a huge bag of salty/sweet popcorn and I did quite enjoy it once I had got my head round eating both at the same time.
      I am one of those people who usually prefers to keep sweet and savoury separate – it takes me ages to get used to products like fruit in cheese or fruit in a curry.

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    1. Wow – wasabi is something I can only handle in very small doses I must admit!
      I am amazed that so many prefer salty. Until I was about 20, I thought they only made sweet popcorn!


  8. I’m on the sweet side, myself. I love caramel corn, which I don’t think is the same as the toffee flavor (but it might be). I also liked Cracker Jack, which was caramel corn and peanuts, when I was younger.Mary likes hers with butter, which could really go either way, but most likely salty because the butter is salted.

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