Does Anybody Know?

Do you know what “” means? Is it something I should be worried about?

emailsNow…I rarely check the statistics page that WordPress provide. I find it unhelpful when it comes to me just enjoying what I am doing. But I was working on one of these nomination posts just now, and one of the questions the blogger had asked of me, required me to look at my statistics page to find things out about my blog.

Anyway…I became distracted seeing that two of the referrers to my site were crushedcaramel-wordpress-com.cdn.ampproject….(I could not see the rest because it wouldn’t fit on the page).

Anyway, I clicked it to see where it went. It took me to a white page that is not my WordPress Reader, neither is it my blog (which happens to be a kind of royal blue background. It says Crushed Caramel. It certainly is one of my posts. But it seems to be in a format I have never seen before.

statsI know nothing about technology and the internet…but I wondered if anyone else knows what or why or how this “” is linked to my WordPress post? Have you seen this before? Are any of your referrers similar? Maybe this means nothing to you, or maybe you are one of those techno-genius types and could explain this mysterious anomaly to me.

This is the link / page I clicked on. It has a very different address to the rest of my WordPress posts. And I don’t know…it makes me a little nervous. I am going to bed now…but if anyone does have any helpful explanations, I would be so grateful to you for advising me.


15 thoughts on “Does Anybody Know?”

  1. 🙂 Yesterday, you asked me the same question via the comments section of my blog and I answered it (Your mystery has been solved).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. cdn = content delivery network. If you write some useful scripty thing, you might deliver it through a content delivery network. It is generally available 24/7, maybe with different sources around the world. The point is, a cdn is a standard term.
    As for, I hit the site and was taken to I didn’t look closely, but Amp is a component which someone might use in their web site.
    It is not unreasonable that WP uses Amp as part of their site. You could ask ’em, although I’ve heard a few people say how unhelpful they have been.
    It is not unreasonable that whatever Amp is, it is delivered by a CDN.
    *But* I never put all that together and typed it in, I never used ur name, and in my short time on here I never saw that in my statistics.
    Finally. I followed that link you gave at the bottom. What opened was some kind of reader, to a year-old post of yours. If I had to guess I reckon it is harmless.


  3. Renard mentions he answered your question on his blog, but I’ll answer it here as well. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) allow pages from your site to be loaded ultra-fast on mobile devices when people click through from search engine results. WordPress supports AMP, so people can load AMP versions of your pages directly from search results It shows up funny if you’re looking from a desktop computer because it’s meant to be viewed on a mobile device.

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