Shamelessly In Love

Last night I was waiting at the station for Goldfinch to arrive…I spotted him before he saw me. He was right behind a man who was walking up the steps slowly. As soon as I saw Goldfinch my face started to beam. Only, I think that the man in front of Goldfinch thought my smiles were for him. Because he started looking at me and smiling. He came through the barrier and started walking towards me. By then Goldfinch had seen me and cut through the crowds and reached me first. Thank goodness!

Aaaaaaah….isn’t it funny how everything seems to sparkle when you are walking hand in hand along London streets with a man who has the ability to enchant you and who makes your heart go booom booooom!

I had the chance to do something with Goldfinch that I have not done all year. This might sound daft, but I savoured every moment. I have always said to my friends, that I would rather share a bag of chips at a bus-stop with a man that I loved rather than be wined and dined by the wrong man. So for the very first time since I met Goldfinch, we bought some chips from a traditional fish & chip shop and munched them while we were waiting for the bus back to the little nest.

Aaaaaah! So happy! So very very happy!

Perhaps you have thought the same as I…that if only it were possible to bottle up that kind of happiness and save it for rainy days.

Goldfinch had to be back for work again today. So yet again I experienced 3.15am. The second time this month. Travelling across London on public transport with fellow passengers who seem to be fast asleep although their eyes are open.

Did I care I was leaving a warm snuggly bed to venture out into the chilled morning air? Not when I had Goldfinch holding my hand. Not when I was able to dance with him in the misty moonlight looking down over us. Not when I was able to sit close to him on the bus and feel his head leaning against my shoulder.

Aaaaaah! So so happy! Hot chocolates for us at the station before he boarded, and then all I could do was hang on to the last moment waving and blowing kisses to my Goldfinch, who had fallen asleep the moment he had relaxed into his seat. Still I received a wave and a blown kiss from some guy who obviously thought I was making quite a show of myself.

Shamelessly in love! Shamelessly happy!


Your Daily Word Prompt – Enchant – October 23, 2018

FOWC with Fandango — Public


19 thoughts on “Shamelessly In Love”

      1. I say, keep blowing kisses and waving to the right person!! Any sorry bloke in the path might have a better day and Goldfinch won’t let there be any interference! Stay happy!! Love it!👌🏼

        Liked by 1 person

  1. This is soooo sweet.

    I like to think you made the other random man happy to with your smiles. Thank goodness your goldfinch got to you first though!

    Liked by 1 person

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