Please Don’t Judge Me

hiding (2)Well, it all started over a month ago. Not sure right now what is going on. It helps to write it down because it is so hard to hold it all in. I am so glad I have this outlet. Sharing a thrilling secret with the last person you would ever expect. Terrified this is going to end in more pain. Sneaking around in sunglasses and hats. Avoiding all the places we think we have friends who would recognize us. I, I am finding it all a bit weird. Sick to the stomach weird, and yet…there are other feelings. Deep feelings that nobody really has a right to pry into.

It’s all very delicate right now. All very scary. Keeping my head down and avoiding eye contact with those who know me best, in case I give anything away.

lane.jpgHe and I. We just happened out of the millions of people in London to be on the same tiny street a while back. I thought he hadn’t seen me. I thought I’d got away with passing unnoticed.

A couple of weeks later, there was a phone call. Wow! I don’t know if you can imagine the impact it had. Words that should have been spoken a long time ago. It was if someone was peeling back all of my skin and touching quivering flesh. It’s so hard to explain.

What lay dormant, what I thought was dead, sprang to life. He had the right words. I don’t know how else to explain it. He wanted to see me. I didn’t think I could. But he found the words to persuade me.

needed him3.jpgWalking in the woods, hoods up, scarves around our necks. When it became dark, he used his phone as a torchlight. There were lots of tree roots to avoid. A few people passed. Nobody recognised him, I don’t think so anyway. He and I both terrified for our own reasons. It was so intense.

Looking into his eyes, wondering if I could believe the words, the oh so powerful words. Wanting to run away, but my feet and legs feeling like lead. Needing him to stop talking. Then he did. For some reason reached for my hand. Letting him. Feeling that skin against mine after so long. Unbelievable. After thinking it would never happen again.

diva.jpgHe’d said he needed time to think. He’s always thought of me. Four years? He said he’s been haunted by what happened. He’s had a long time to work out what he wanted to say. He knew it must have been unbearable for me. It was. I think you know that better than he does. I told him I thought he hated me. He asked how I could ever think that.

Since then, hard to explain, it’s like a whirlwind. I’ve been wrapped up in it. In him. Feeling like some kind of Venus. A diva. Hiding from the paps, in case they ruin this. Can’t be out in public. Not yet. Too scared to bring him home. Can’t go near his place. Leaves us with his car. Having to saunter in back streets, wondering when he will appear. Finding lonely parts of London. We even drove to the coast one night last week.

Finding myself dressing up for him. Buying dresses wondering how he will like them. Sensing all this was going to lead to something. Feeling guilty because I am supposed to be thinking of someone else. But he is so far away. And I don’t think he even wants something serious with me, otherwise why would he have left me?

lodge.jpgRealizing I was forgetting the dream that was never going to come true, running back to the love of my life. No idea what he has in mind. But needing him all the same. Then last weekend, he’d booked a cottage in a lonely little village hidden away in a county neighbouring London.

He’s booked somewhere else for this weekend. A different county. My heart aches with happiness. Relief. Fear. What will everyone think? What will everyone say? How long will we hide? Please don’t let the paps ruin this. Please don’t let his fans ruin this.

Let me just be with the love of my life until my dying day. Don’t say anything. Nothing at all. You don’t really know me, and you don’t know him. But like I tried to tell you. He and I were made for each other. We just let everyone else come between us. I am hoping that will never happen again. I am going to keep my eyes fixed on him.I am not going to listen to what anyone else thinks.

annie and robin6He and I are going to try to fix what was broken. He and I are doing this for ourselves. Hiding from everyone. We’ll be in hired cottages and lodges for a while I guess. Thank goodness he has money. Letting our love grow strong. He and I – that’s all that matters. Before we let anyone else know.

If Caramel goes quiet, know that she is happy, with the love of her life. It feels like a miracle happened in London. I can’t let go of that. I can’t let go of him. Scared to ever let go of his hand, knowing I spent four years trying to live without him and failed. Failed because I didn’t want to believe that two people so in love could be enemies.

he likes it that way.jpgAll I ever hoped for was that we could be at peace you know. I never believed for a moment this would happen. So please don’t judge me. In a couple of hours, the love of my life is going to be in the car park at a nearby hotel. I have to walk there with my little overnight bag and look out for his car. I am going to have a shower and curl my hair. He loves my hair curly. He always did. I knew that. The way he used to look at me back then. I have my dress all picked out. I bought this dress thinking of him.

You might not understand. But I can’t worry about what everyone thinks. But for me and him, we are enjoying our secret as long as it lasts. Dizzy with the passion. It’s years of longing that are finally satisfied. For him, it’s something he’s hoped for ever since he met me, so he says. For me, it is the end of a long nightmare. Everyone thinks they know us. They don’t realize what we have both had to bear. Only he and I can begin to grasp it. He’s already my best friend. And I have another best friend 10,100 miles away who is happy for me. Now I’m picking out dresses to wear looking forward to him taking them off. He’s becoming my lifeline. My dream come true. The nightmare seems to be over.




26 thoughts on “Please Don’t Judge Me”

    1. Thank you so much. I am just feeling so much relief that what seemed like a very bitter feud is over. So now, even if things don’t remain as romantic as they are now, I am determined that we have to be at peace from now on. My only fear is what happens when people learn of what has happened between us. That is going to bring challenges, challenges I had a horrid taste of in the past, which I found horrible to deal with.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maybe now you will be stronger and more able to deal with them? Also since you’re aware of the possibilities you could perhaps come up with strategies to help you deal with those challenges? Obviously I don’t know who Jack is but there are many people who live in the public eye and still manage to maintain some sort of private life. I believe it’s possible and if you want to make it work you can do it together.


          1. my second guess was a druid! But I suppose not that either. I’m about the same distance from Sal but to the south-ish. 🙂 I lived briefly in London – Clapham South – and worked up there for years. But I suppose everyone has *some* connection with London.


    1. What I value most is the peace that it has brought to know the enmity (and we both suffered unnecessarily thinking the other was resentful) is over. That has been so painful. It’s amazing to me that we have become so close so quickly, but what means the most is the peace – huge huge relief. A great weight on my heart has lifted.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. No judgement the heart will do what the heart does. Enjoy your happiness and growing love. Everyone deserves a fairy tale romance (at least other people do such as yourself) and it is a joy to watch it unfold. Have fun. Be loved. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Jay-lyn. He is a bundle of fun wherever we are!

      The thought of him being a fairy-tale catch is kind of funny…having lived with him already…I know what I am getting into…untidy, noisy, crazy man!! Love him to bits though! I think that is what everyone realized back then…I was one of the few people who could live with him without having a melt-down. Instead, i let the pressure from outside the flat cause me to become awkward with him.


  2. You can’t win unless you roll the dice kiddo. There are no guarantees in life and very few second chances. If it feels right, do it! You know in your heart – no one else gets to live your life and no one gets to make your choices. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Okay, I read all the posts you sent me, and this makes more sense now. I would probably do the same thing if I ever got back together with an ex who hurt me. (I’m not currently in touch with any such people, though.)


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