Make Your Own Kind Of Music

violinist.jpgI have been falling way way behind in all aspects of blogging. Please feel free to give me a shout if I seem to be missing your posts. I am speed reading as much as I can of the many posts that appear in my Reader. I lost a couple of days completely when I just did not have time to open my lap-top at all. But I am trying to spend a little time each day.

Over an month ago I received a tag for the “3.2.1 Quote Me!” Challenge on the theme THE BEAUTY OF GREAT MUSIC from the lovely Sadje, creator of Keep it alive, as you can see from her post below:

321 Quote me

The “3.2.1 Quote Me!” Challenges originate of course with Rory, the creator of A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip! This is Rory’s original post which explains exactly how these challenges work:

pianistI will admit to you right now…this topic was not as easy as I thought it would be at first. I will explain why. I love music as much as the next person. As a teenager I worked for a record company and I was obsessed with music! I am very aware of the powerful effect it could have on my my mood, attitude and emotions. But because some of that effect was harmful to me…I started to limit the amount of music I listened to and I became much more selective about lyrics. When I was looking for quotes for the challenge, I thought some of them were a bit unbalanced. They reminded me of the obsessive view of music I used to have. So in the end I chose two quotes that are a bit more positive and healthy and balanced.


Thank the Selector – THANKS SADJE! 🙂

Post 2 quotes for the dedicated Topic of the Day.

Select 3 bloggers to take part in ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’

 “The Beauty of Great Music”


LIFE! It makes me tingle to think of all that word means. When I think of all the verses and the main chorus of my life so far, a fraction of which I have been able to write about, it makes up quite an incredible symphony.

Think of your own life – the song or symphony of your life. The high and low notes. The crescendos, the beat to which you live, the rhythm which shapes your life.

I want to make my life a sweet song, one that delights me and that others would enjoy the melody of. May your life too be a beautiful harmony that enchants others 🙂


I love singing! I love karaoke especially. music quote

I find singing helps me feel better when I am sad. In fact, do you remember I was having a mini-meltdown last week when I was overwhelmed by concerns? Well one day when I was sobbing like a baby and did not know why, I knew I needed a speedy strategy snap-out of it. So I started to sing! I had a good old croon! I was belting out some tunes from the sixties and it made me feel a lot better very quickly.

I don’t need a lot of encouragement to sing – it’s something I love to do. I have no idea what this quote is supposed to mean exactly…but it did strike a chord with me! I am surely one of those people who wish to sing and can always find a song.

My Nominees

The three bloggers I am nominating for the “3.2.1 Quote Me!” Challenge on the theme of THE BEAUTY OF GREAT MUSIC are: