Sadje Has Nominated Me For The Versatile Blogger Award

The wonderful Sadje, the creator of Keep It Alive has kindly nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award, as you can see from her post below:

The versatile BloggerAward

The original creator of the Versatile Blogger Award wrote that it was an award for bloggers, recognising “the quality of the writing, the uniqueness of the subjects covered, the level of love displayed in the words on the virtual page.

The Rules

  • Thank the person who gave you the award and include a link to their blog.
  • Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 10 -15 other great bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Seven Things About Me

What would you like to know? Here are a few things I have mentioned before, but am recycling for this post. I am all for recycling!

  • ironingI love karaoke
  • I love ironing (almost as much as karaoke!)
  • I love having cookery lessons from friends from other countries. I have had cookery lessons with friends from Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, India, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Spain and Thailand – and I am always eager to learn more.
  • Candles scare me. In the town I grew up in there were a lot of deadly house fires due to accidents with candles or cigarette stubs that had not been extinguished properly. The houses on the council estate I grew up on would burn up like cardboard. Whole families have been lost in some of the fires that occurred. Very upsetting. Whenever anyone gives me candles as a gift, I give them away to someone else, normally a charity shop.
  • Sea, Ocean, Blue, Water, Sand, NatureI used to swim competitively. From a young age I swam around ten hours a week. I am a complete and total water baby. My happy place is the water. I love diving down and dancing in the water. I love to swim up and down and up and down and feel the thrill of gliding so fast through the water. In recent years, I have taught several adult friends how to swim, including three women from Pakistan who had never been a swimming pool before they came to England.
  • I love my food processor. I use it almost every day to make something. I love making my own hummus, pesto, coleslaw and how much easier it is to make parts of other dishes – for example a biscuit base for cheesecake. It’s really hard to imagine not having a food processor now.
  • I do believe that you often reap what you sow. If you have healthy habits, you should reap the benefits, whereas if you choose harmful habits, it is likely that you will experience poor health in time. However there are other reasons why people suffer. Sometimes someone just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes people who have lived very healthy lives experience devastating illness. Righteous people have experienced all manner of cruelty from those who are clearly unscrupulous. Often unprincipled people prosper and live in luxury. I think it is incredibly cruel and frankly outrageous when some intimate that anything bad that befalls a person is because of something bad they have done previously. It’s preposterous and shocking. And just as foolish as pointing to the wealthy and presuming their riches are blessings for being good. I scratch my head at how anyone can think that way! Suffering sad things is bad enough without thinking it is pay-back for some mistake you made, but not even being sure which mistake it was!

My Nominees

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