You see a man and a woman arguing in the street as you are walking home. Their dispute then becomes physical with both using all their might to throw punches, kick each other and grab each other’s hair. You reach for your pocket (to call the police) but realize you have forgotten your phone.



What is THE CARAMEL CRUNCH? Well, it’s all about decisions. When it comes to THE CRUNCH what would you do?

One of the definitions of the word CRUNCH is:

a crucial point or situation

 – generally involving a decision with weighty consequences

  • Your response can be a quickie. Please feel free to send a comment to say what you would do, and if you have time or are inclined, please feel free to explain your decision.
  • If you would like to create a post with a longer explanation of your decision, please pingback to THE CARAMEL CRUNCH post. (Or copy and paste a link to your post in the comments section – please feel free.)

If you know anything about CRUSHED CARAMEL, you will probably realize I am a gentle soul, so my questions are not supposed to be terrifying! What I am hoping for really is to see a variety of responses. Afterall, it’s pretty obvious that WordPress bloggers are from a huge variety of backgrounds and cultures. It would be fascinating to learn more about how we as individuals make decisions.

Some of the questions I am going to ask are questions I have discussed with friends when we have been having coffee or dinner. I often find there is no clear right or wrong. It can be so much a matter of our individual experiences and outlook. I find it fascinating how very different some of us are when it comes to decision making.

We all have different outlooks, and may make different decisions. I am really looking forward to learning WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

One Way Street, Decisions, Opportunity



20 thoughts on “THE CARAMEL CRUNCH #23”

    1. I had a situation like this in my early twenties, before I ever had a mobile phone.
      I was supposed to be meeting a friend in the Dingle/Toxteth area of Liverpool. As I stood waiting a couple (man and woman) came out of a house physically hitting each other. It was terrifying because I had never seen such an angry fight. I didn’t know that are at all and panicked looking around for someone else to come along.

      Someone did come along, a man with a dog. Next minute he and the dog joined in the fight. I saw one of the men being thrown on top of a car. I couldn’t tell which one. I was rooted to the spot and I had no idea what to do.

      As I was standing a few metres away and calling out “please stop” (which I don’t think they heard) a delivery van went passed me. Their strap line which was printed on the back of the van was “DELIVERING PEACE OF MIND”. I looked at those words. As soon as the van passed, a car came from the opposite direction and a guy I knew pulled over (the brother of one of my friends) and asked me what I was doing there. I told him about the fight. He got out of the car and looked down the road but they were all gone. The couple, the man and the dog – they had all vanished.

      It was so weird. That morning I had two people jump out and grab my arm on my trip into Liverpool and one person the night before and I was really on edge.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I have worked with some women who were victims of domestic violence and had to get a couple out of their homes in the middle of the night and drive them to somewhere safe. I used to do all that without a mobile phone.

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  1. Sounds like a mutual fray. There may be an assumption the male is stronger and can hurt the female, but that might not be the case. Get closer and keep an eye on what’s happening. If you’re near a shop maybe run in and tell them to call cops? If it’s one on one and nobody is getting mortally wounded, best to keep out of it. You might yell, “I’m calling the cops! Stop now!” and see what happens.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We had some next door neighbours who used to have terrifying fights. We lived in a terrace and the walls were so thin we could hear everything. She would be screaming terrible things to him for a long time and he would try to calm her down. But we were always ready to call the police when it sounded as if their fight was physical. The police always ended up taking the guy away. My sister Mandy found it traumatic because her bedroom was closest to theirs. She started to bang on the wall when they started fighting and shouting for them to calm down.

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      1. Cops are really feeling the heat right now, but we forget not all cops are brutal killers. The majority serve and protect. Those DV situations are the most dangerous ones police find themselves in, as one or both parties or bystanders can jump in at any moment. Sounds like the couple was miserable and they made your family miserable by extension 😦

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        1. From one month to the next things change. It is not that long ago since police were praised as superheroes for their response to terrorist attacks at London Bridge etc.

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    1. Nowadays that is so much easier. I was in a horrible incident years ago when there was a violent fight in front of me and there was nobody around.
      Part of me wanted to run so I could go and find a phone box. But part of me felt as if it would be wrong to run and leave that couple fighting each other. I hoped by staying there I might be a reason for them to stop.

      But it was awful, awful.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s a tough decision because your act of goodwill or lack of could have terrible results for you or the people fighting. I step in to help only if I’m sure I won’t get hurt in the process. Otherwise, I get help. Might be selfish but I have a family to think of. You’re a brave lady to have stayed.


          1. I wouldn’t either! You do what you can and I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer.


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