Today Was Like Summer Clinging On With All It’s Might

Today, here in England, especially here in London, we were blessed with another day of summer, which was a special treat for a day so late in October. It was almost bizarre to have such beautiful weather when next weekend, the clocks fall back one hour and we have to say goodbye to “British Summertime”. I took the time to indulge myself, losing myself in fields bathing in sunshine and trees breathing in the warm golden air.



I went to my secret little corner, a part of the nearby public parkland and commonland that hardly anyone seems to walk through. I know there must be thousands of people jogging or walking their dogs in other parts of the park, but hardly anyone seems to pass the little corner I found around eighteen months ago and have returned to time and again.

I can go and lie down in the long grass and remain hidden for hours. Hidden until a curious character found me! It is the first time I have seen cows here, but as it is commonland, there is no reason why cows should not make an appearance. I used to live next door to a diary farm – so I know to let the cows have their peace and quiet. They did not like me climbing over the fence to take some hey for the sheep in the meadow. (Farmer allowed us to – I was not stealing!)



I decided to give up my secret spot to her and her family as it was time I went back to the nest and started cleaning before Goldfinch arrives tomorrow.

Aaaaaaaaaah Goldfinch! It should not be hard for me to weave the word “magnetic” into a sentence about Goldfinch! But my brain is tired. I am just wishing he would linger on and on like summer has today. Not long until I say goodbye…and then I am sure I will need to go out walking to my secret little corner of the huge parkland nearby…and remember the times I shared my little hidden copse with my beloved Goldfinch. And I shall be clinging to those memories with all of my might.


Your Daily Word Prompt – Bizarre – October 21, 2018

14 thoughts on “Today Was Like Summer Clinging On With All It’s Might”

    1. He is a wonderful man I met a year ago. He is in England for work – he works as a contractor. When we met he thought it could just be four months before he returned to Australia because that’s when the project he he was working on was due to end. But everything ran over time. He has been courting me…and making my life wonderful. However, he will be going back to Australia any time between now and the holidays…and this time he won’t be coming back. It’s a permanent goodbye when he goes to Australia this time.

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        1. My mum’s family are Australian (mostly based around Brisbane) but on of my relatives held office in Goldfinch’s city and one of my siblings spends half the year there too.
          In all honesty…I doubt I am going to be able to make it to Australia for a long time. But thanks to e-mail…I can at least stay friends with him. Goldfinch must be allowed to fly away and live his life.
          But I have had a very wonderful year with him and will be rejoicing over my memories of him for years to come.

          Liked by 2 people

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