Oh Crumbs! I Forgot To Bake A Cake

Where does the time go? Where does it go? I just don’t know. I promised Jack I would bake a cake when we were expecting some important visitors. It completely slipped my mind.

Normally it is the kind of thig he would nag me about, what kind of cake is it? can I see it? would anyone notice if I had a slice before everyone arrives? But he did not do any of that this weekend because he was so busy. I was also very busy. So busy that baking a cake dropped down lower and lower the list of priorities, and then fell off completely.

Visitors arrived…Jack turns to me while he was filling a cafetiere and asked me “Where is the cake?”

Photo by Delphine Hourlay on Pexels.com

Crumbs!!! I had forgotten. Momentary panic, followed by flinging open the cupboard doors in search of biscuits. I found a box of salted caramel florentines at the back of the cupboard – my sister bought me those. I found a box of Scottish shortbread – another gift from a friend. And even better….I found a box of champagne truffles – which my landlords gave me last month.

Our guests could not possibly have done better. My baking would have been a disappointment compared to the feast they ended up with.

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