Well….by now you may have noticed that I have taken on the challenge of reviewing the books published by other WordPress bloggers – which was a terrifying prospect before I began, but now I am enjoying! I began publishing reviews back in August 2020 – roughly one every two weeks.

In case you want to check out some of the fabulous books – ALL WRITTEN BY WORDPRESS BLOGGERS! – featured on CARAMEL’S CORNER, I have put together a little list of the 2020 CARAMEL’S CORNER posts:

Climbing Over Grit

Let.Love.Speak – Book 2

Preposterous Tales From The Newbury Short Story Teller

Managing The Depression Puzzle

Wish Upon A Leaf

Heart Songs


Swinging Sanity

We Hide What We Hate About Ourselves

There is more to come in 2021 – in fact I have a long list of reviews that need to be completed in my drafts folder. There are books I have read and reviewed from Ritu Bhathal, Stephen Black, Tom Burton, Esther Chilton, Nora Edinger, Sarah Fennell, Iain Kelly, Jenna Kirkpatrick, Gabriella Marie Milton, Frank Prem, Kevin Morris, Julia Tannembaum and more!

Writer, Typewriter, Author, Blogging

If you are a WordPress blogger and you have published your own book – please free to drop by and say hello and please tell me about your book! I am always interested in coming across other bloggers who love to write (as opposed to the countless robots than seem to be following me). I do have my limits, so I won’t always be able to read your book if it is graphically violent or glorifies demons etc. But I do like to support other bloggers, just as I have been encouraged and supported by other bloggers. Please feel free to leave a comment on one of my posts.

Relax, Read, Silhouette, Woman, Dog, Hang, Tree, Pet

12 thoughts on “CARAMEL’S CORNER 2020”

    1. I read your book on the day I went to get my first COVID jab at the start of January. I am struggling to work on the Caramel’s Corner Reviews Tom. But I have a weekend off ahead of me and I want to try to catch up on some of the posts in my drafts folder.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No problem at all, Mel 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it & take all the time you need – looking forward to whatever feedback you might have!


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