

Today I am reviewing “Zion” a book written by Racheal, the creator of Racheal’s Novels. But if you are sharp, you may notice that Racheal seems to have a writing name… “Ash Digest”. Please correct me if I have that the way round Racheal.

“Zion” is the first book in a trilogy. Book Two and Book Three are also available on Amazon and I will be reviewing them at some point. One of the most remarkable details about this book was that at the age of thirteen years old Racheal started writing “Zion“, and went on to complete the trilogy by the time she was sixteen. Woooh hoooooh!!! Go Racheal!!!!!!! That is super-cool to have three of your novels published on Amazon by the time you are sixteen.

My main impression when I began reading Zion, was wow! It reads as if you are watching an action movie. I try not to compare – but there is a Star Wars/ Battlestar Galactica feel to the story, that makes it easy to imagine in your mind. Racheal packs a lot of action in right from the start.

She also plants the seeds into what will develop into a great storyline, which is carried through the three books which make up the entire Zion Trilogy.

I was quickly trying to work out what was going to happen, how the characters were connected to each other, and who was going to win. I had so many questions and Racheal likes to reveal them when they spring a surprise at he readers. She is a clever girl!

In Book One I sense that she is helping readers to get to know her main characters, who feature as the storyline develops. I don’t want to drop spoilers, but I was particularly drawn to her character development. She shows the strengths and weaknesses and inner secrets of her characters, and we see them, courageous, terrified, clever, funny, confused and full of strong faith. With so much gripping action and drama in some parts of the book, the backstory and character development was very enjoyable and balanced out the pace of the read.

As any first book of a trilogy should do, I reached the end of Zion, thinking “I can’t wait to find out what happens next!”


You can find out what Caramel has been reading in her very own little reading corner, as she published book reviews of books written by WordPress bloggers each Saturday.

If you have any recommendations, please leave a message in the comments below.


Relax, Read, Silhouette, Woman, Dog, Hang, Tree, Pet

5 thoughts on “Zion”

  1. OMG!!! Thank you so, so, so much! I was so scared when I started reading your review because I didn’t know what to expect, but I AM SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!! (Which you should enjoy it, it’s a masterpiece 😜)

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