Mad For It!

I have been tagged to take part in another challenge from Rory the creator of A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip! and I have to admit this is a challenge I am very nervous about. Maybe you will see why I am nervous!

Kristian creator of Tales from the mind of Kristian has been brave enough to get the ball rolling. He did a fabulous job of answering the questions in the style of moi – for he nominated me! Have a look at his post – I love it!

question-2392158_960_720The post below is Rory’s original with the rules detailed:


Don’t answer the questions the way you would, but the way you think your nominated blogger would.

Nominate one blogger to answer the questions, but before you do, create 2 new questions of your own to replace 2 existing questions.

So I am so scared to offend or upset anyone – so I am going to nominate a blogger who lives no where near me! and I am hoping will forgive me for anything I get wrong! Plus, if there is anyone who is game for a laugh it is of course, the wonderful:

Bitchin’ in the Kitchen

1 If you could be any animal what would you be and why? Can you guess which one?

A fox…

…the brilliant combination of sass and cunning!


What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?

Lots of good things (I genuinely have a heart of gold) to help worthy causes.

With the excess I might buy a holiday home in Tenerife and make sure the nearest and dearest are looked after too!


3 Which cartoons do you still watch?

Tom & Jerry   

and Wile E. Kayote  



 Is there someone who wronged you and never apologised?


…she ate my goldfish!

…never stopped to apologise


If you had to choose, how would you want to get famous?

Celebrity cake-taster…

…you know in those baking competitions. Line up the cakes, I will try them and tell them what I think!

…or First Brit to rule America? So long as I am well supplied with cake.


6 Minus the popular holidays, which season do you prefer weather-wise?




….lots of reasons!


Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?

Just let either of them try!

If I had to choose, I would go for the bear…

…probably easier to outwit..


Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

Only when I have to tip-toe in the dark…

…to exit a prank scene I have just set up…



What is your biggest pet peeve?

Husbands – especially those who don’t replace the toilet roll


10 Do you read whilst in the toilet?

Since I am the bathroom bandit, I hatch plans for a prank to terrify the next person to use the bathroom…

…as it was probably him that didn’t replace the toilet roll – so he deserves it.

18 thoughts on “Mad For It!”

  1. Thanks!
    haha It is hard to keep track, when we all seem to visit the same blogs all the time. Sorry…no need to do it again, if you don’t want to.
    I’ve really enjoyed reading what you have to say on your posts. Wishing you many more happy blogging days! 🙂

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