Tag Archives: minions

Merry Monday Moment

Fandango’s Word Of The Day is CARTOON…

…well, I am hoping Pixar animations count as cartoons.

To merry up Monday – I have included two of my favourite cartoon moments. First is Dory speaking various dialects of whale languages.

Then is the ultimate Minions mini-movie “Banana”. If you have never seen it… prepare yourself for a treat! Minions mini-movies are so much fun!

It’s Monday – whatever you do, try to have some fun!


FOWC with Fandango — Cartoon

Finger Food Gave Me Food For Thought

I attended a get-together at a friend’s home last week. It was nice, easy-going and she had prepared a very impressive buffet of hors d’oeuvres and canapes, with lots of yummy dips – hummus, salsa, guacamole and more I couldn’t with certainty identify. Everything was yummy though. I loaded up my plate twice and could have happily done so a third time, although my mum would have disapproved, so my conscience held me back.

I was in deep thought that night. I found myself staring at the buffet table and I came to the conclusion that my lifestyle is just like it.

I live my life in little snippets and bite-size chunks. I spend fifteen minutes on this, twenty minutes on that. Friends all over London, all over the country – I spread myself thinly, gallivanting here and there, avoiding becoming a burden to anyone. Always the friend that people feel they never see enough of. Happy to start a paid job then move on elsewhere within a year. Although I am committed to voluntary projects and see them to their completion. I have even found it better if I break up my house-keeping. Thorough clean kitchen one day, bathroom the next, bedrooms and study, living room and utility room.

I juggle various sources of income, various voluntary commitments, and have a plethora of family members and friends to keep in touch with. My life is certainly graced with variety. But I have to spread out my time. It’s rare that I can devote a whole day to one thing. I guess a lot of people are like that nowadays. Such is the pace of life – especially in a big city I believe. You have to be very good at juggling.

It’s not often that I feel I can allow the time to sit and watch a movie from start to finish. So it is probably not such a bad thing that I am terribly fussy about films. I can enjoy the golden oldies – classic musicals etc. But most modern films I turn my nose up at, unless, they are made by Pixar or the likes.

I can’t watch a “normal” action film – I am traumatised. Anything like aggression, horror, violence, devastation, anything with lots of bad language – there is no point me even attempting to watch it because I will not remotely enjoy it. However, Pixar keep coming up with stuff that makes me laugh.

I was doing a bit of ironing while waiting for peanut butter brownies to bake, and I flicked on the TV to see if there was anything I could have on in the background, so that I didn’t become tearful about Goldfinch. “Despicable Me” was on the TV and, oh it did make me laugh. So many funny scenes! I have included the scene below because it is the kind of action scene I would enjoy:

This weekend I have so much planned…to keep me busy. I have meet-ups with different friends for breakfast, lunch, coffee, dinner – both days! Sunday night…I will be over at a friend’s house – she has said we can watch a movie and eat cake. I am hoping for minions to make an appearance that night.



Traumatised By Toast…Motivated By Minions

I have had a lovely day with some of my favourite people in the entire universe!  The weather was kind, the air was fresh, which felt good.  Not enough fresh air in London!  We ate the vanilla cheesecake with blueberry compote I made.

The only drawback was being woken up far too early this morning by the most ridiculously loud smoke alarm.  Someone had burnt the toast upstairs.  Ay karumba! What a way to be jolted out of sweet sleep.  I have felt just a tiny bit raw with trauma all day.

Now that my nearest and dearest have departed I have decided I should have an early night.  To make slipping into bed early extra delicious, I have just changed my bed linen and am thinking of taking a shower and letting myself melt away into unconsciousness.

I thought about watching an episode of “Masterchef”, but I am too tired for it.  However, when I flicked on the television I caught a brief excerpt from “The Minions Movie”.  If anyone has not seen it…and I have learnt that not everyone has had their existence on this planet enriched by the minions (yet)…”The Minions Movie” tells you the history of the minions prior to their meeting Gru (Despicable Me 1,2 and 3).

This scene comes after the minions have been suffering from depression on mass because they do not have an evil villain leader to follow.  (They seem to have a habit of causing fatal accidents to their chosen leader.) They feel they are lacking purpose in life and become morose.

Three brave minions go in search of a new despicable leader…but in the meantime, the rest of the minions population try to convince a potential new leader they are a force to be reckoned with.

Look how quickly they recovered from their depression…

She Clearly Thought I Was A Nutcase

I met someone last week who has never seen this video.  She has no idea who Gru is, or who the minions are, as she has never seen Despicable Me.  My face was like…”what? you don’t know who the minions are?  Where have you been?  You poor deprived little lamb!”  I could not believe she had never become acquainted with the minions.

I have a couple of friends who are brilliant at being the minions…every now and then they just break out into their little minions sketch.  It is so so funny.  I started trying to relay how hysterical it was to the young woman who has never heard of or seen the minions or Gru.  She gave me the raised eye-brow kind of “Really?!!”

I was trying my best to relate to her just how very very funny they are, to the point where I was crying with laughter trying to reenact the whole banana battle.  I was trying so hard to prove to her that the minions short movies are comedy genius, she may have mistaken my ardour for conniption.

Nothing I said seemed to convince her that this stuff is incredible.  She just kept looking at me as if I was from another planet.  Oh well!  It’s her loss.  If you have not seen this…oh goodness – where have you been?  My friends and I still love an evening now and then with nothing but online minions short movies.

FOWC with Fandango — Being

Your Daily Word Prompt – Conniption – August 21st, 2018