Tag Archives: layers

Hidden Layers

I keep trying to think up stories that don’t have any relation to real life events that I have experienced – but it is so hard to do! This little piece is my attempt at another bit of flash fiction in response to a recent writing prompt from Teresa, aka The Haunted Wordsmith:


Image by Robert Ramsay from Pixabay

“It’s unnatural.”

“What do you mean? I think it’s completely normal.”

“But we all need our space. There are things about me that I just want to keep private and not share with anyone else. You have an unnatural curiosity.”

“Really? I find that hard to understand. I want the people I love to know and understand everything about me. There is nothing I want to hide. I want to know everything about you. All your hidden layers.”

layersDean sighed. “But you are a very beautiful person. Your hidden layers are mesmerising. It is like mining for precious gems with you. Layer after layer of wonderful. My hidden layers are like an onion. If you keep on trying to slice into me, I am only going to make you cry.”

Abbie put her arms around Dean’s neck and put her forehead against his. “What secrets are you hiding Dean? Are you an axe-murderer? Or a member of the Mafia? Have you been married eight times and killed all your wives to get their money?”

Dean rolled his eyes, “You got me Abbie! Yes, to all of the above.” He kissed her forehead tenderly and put his arms around her holding her close.

“Well then, I know you are not going to kill me because I don’t have any money.”

“I am a rogue Abbie. Not the kind of rogue that would hurt anyone physically. But I have my secrets and I want to keep them to myself. You are safe. I have no intentions of hurting you. But I am a rogue.”

“I love that you are a rouge who plays chess, eats sushi and meditates. You must be a wholesome rogue. And I want to love you for what I know about you and hope that whatever secrets you want to hold onto would not devastate me. If your secrets were too terrible, I would hope you would leave me so that I don’t have too many regrets. I love you Dean. I know you don’t like me saying that, but I do.”

“I know you do little lady. You shouldn’t. But I know you do.” Dean kissed Abbie. He grabbed hold of her hips and sat her on the kitchen side, before he started to unbuckle his belt and slip his shorts down. She was far too good for him and he knew it. But he also knew that Abbie wanted him to be the man who made love to her. Although he felt bad that she was so innocent, he was enjoying every moment of exploring all of her hidden layers. She was so beautiful inside and out. A hidden gem, so different from all the other women he had known before. Making love to Abbie almost made him feel virtuous. But for all her goodness, he was absolutely determined she was not going to reform him.