I Don’t Need Nothing More Than You

Jim Adams aka Newepicauthor, the creator of A Unique Title For Me, is hosting SONG-LYRIC-SUNDAY and this week he has chosen the theme: WHISTLING

Photo by ChurchArt Online on Pexels.com

Until today, I believe I may have taken the whistling on some famous songs for granted. I listened to some very familiar tracks with renewed appreciation for the whistling.

I have chosen a song from Jack Johnson…because it made me think of my Jack. “I Got You”…lovely whistling, lovely lyrics, lovely vibe for a Sunday,

Back when all my little goals seemed so important
Every pot of gold feeling full of distortion
Heaven was a place still in space, not in motion
But soon

I got you
I got everything, I've got you
I don't need nothing more than you
I got everything, I've got you

We went walking through the hills trying to pretend that we both know
Maybe if we save up we could build a little home
But then the hailstorm came, it yelled
"You need to let go, you got no control", no

I got you
I got everything, I've got you
I don't need nothing more than you
I got everything, I've got you

This weight's too much alone
Some days I can't hold it at all
You take it on for me
When tomorrow's too much, I'll carry it all, I got you
Yeah, when tomorrow's too much, I'll carry it all, I got you

I got you
I got everything, I've got you
I don't need nothing more than you
I got everything, I've got you

Written by: Jack Hody Johnson

PS…I am skipping next Sunday. Also, thank you for the emails asking me if everything is ok. Yes, things are ok. I had an eye issue – which has meant it was very painful to look at the screen. Eye is on the mend. Jack and I have just had a lot to pack in. I will share more soon.

Miss you lots!