Tag Archives: ice-cream

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!

Today’s non-fiction prompt from Teresa, aka The Haunted Wordsmith, is:

Ice Cream Memories


Image by ally j from Pixabay

rr icecreamI have many ice-cream memories. Nowadays I tend to avoid ice-cream because I am not very good with dairy. But I made up for it by eating a lot of ice-cream as  kiddo! Mum used to buy blocks of raspberry ripple ice-cream from the supermarket – yum yum! Then I discovered mint ice-cream was like a revolution for me.

ice-cream perfectionWe used to go to work with my Dad during the school holidays. Some of Dad’s customers were very kind to us. We were well supplied by Dad’s customers with juice and biscuits.  They would even give us some money to buy sweets.  One lady gave me £1 and told me it was ice-cream money.  Dad crimsoned in embarrassment with my reply to his lovely customer.  I held out my hand and said to the lady “have you ever heard of a thing called inflation?”  Don’t worry…I now fully comprehend how cheeky I was!  At the time, I was just trying to communicate my frustration, because back then it cost £1.10 to buy a Mr Whippy ice-cream with a chocolate flake and raspberry sauce and sprinkles from the ice-cream van…which at the time was the highest form of ice-cream perfection!!!

sorbet in coneVisiting Europe and discovering a superior quality of ice-cream in amazing flavours like pistachio or espresso was the height of my ice-cream indulgence.

But then the dairy problems came along, so now it is mango sorbet or lemon sorbet for me. I am always on the look out for indulgent non-dairy ice-creams. At the moment I am looking out for a peanut-butter flavour non-dairy ice-cream. When I return from Australia and feel so sad to have left my Goldfinch…I shall eat ice-cream and cake to my heart’s content!

Last summer I met Goldfinch in Coventry one morning. He needed to buy some new jeans but we had to wait for the clothing stores to open. So we went to Sprinkles Gelato which was just around the corner from the station where I had arrived. He ordered three scoops of ice-cream and devoured them for his breakfast. I loved seeing him tucking into the ice-cream – that man loves pleasure! I had coffee, black coffee. (Late night and very early start to get to Coventry.) That was just the start of the day. The rest of the day was wonderful, really really wonderful….as all my days with Goldfinch were.

Ice-cream memories are so sweet 🙂