Tag Archives: flirting

Was That Flirtatious?

Jack and I were looking at cupboards the other day – kitchen cupboards. We saw a unit with a glass door that lifts up like a hatch. Does that make sense? It looks a little like the one in the picture below. People tend to store glasses in there, because often the window is semi-transparent.

Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels.com

Years ago, when Jack and I shared a house with four other people, we had one of those in our huge communal kitchen. So this week, I reminded Jack of something cringe-worthy that happened. It was a bit of a moment – one that left me flustered. It was during the time there was a lot of nervous awkwardness between us. Even more painfully, our mutual friends used to tease us (separately) that the awkwardness was repressed sexual tension.

I was washing the dishes right next to that cupboard. Jack came in to the kitchen and he wanted a drink. Well in order to open the cupboard, he basically put his arms around me and gave me a sort of hug. I almost jumped out of my skin because I just had no idea what he was doing. He jumped back when he saw me stiffen and give him evil eyes.

He then asked if he could get a glass out of the cupboard. I moved well back to allow him access. He filled up his glass, looking a little red-faced. I stood there wondering if I should say something about what had just happened.

Oh my goodness! It makes me cringe when I look back and remember the awkwardness. Nowadays of course, if Jack wants to put his arms around me and hug me at the same time as he reaches for a glass or plate or mug – it is just gorgeous. No awkwardness ever again.