Popcorn Playlist

As mentioned last week, I will not be around this weekend. I have had a few more plates to juggle in addition to an eye issue which have limited some of my time to devote to WordPress. This will pass – I am sure. My eye is already much better. I am learning to become very good at plate-spinning.

One of my extra plates is a professional course I am enrolled on. I am learning a lot – and quickly. There are some sections that are interesting. There are others that really are not. At times I have been in desperate need of motivation to prevent my brain from going numb.

Jack and I love Classic FM’s “Music From The Movies” (big shout-out to Jonathon Ross) and I noticed that after listening to his show, I always wanted to go and study. My mind was all geared up for learning. So…Jack suggested I collect some of our favourite movie scores and compile a playlist.

What a clever idea! I now have forty of our favourites. Over two hours of music to study to….or to listen to over dinner. Grab your popcorn and enjoy!!