Putting My Editing Cap On

hfsdgggggg I have just over 90,000 words all ready to be published in a new book that is already available for pre-order on Amazon.

However…I noticed two huge blunders in my plot today. They are fixable. This is what happens when you write when you are tired…and when you get so carried away with driving the story you forget to keep track of what you have established about your character.

When I first started writing my story, I wanted to explain why my character is so lost and alone in this world. In thinking up reasons for the isolation she lives within, I must have decided that my main character was from a family with little money. I wrote that they could only afford for her mother to travel to Germany to visit family. But later on I decided that my main character inherited an estate worth $86million when her parents were killed in a car crash. So…I have to fix that.

Image by TanteTati from PixabayI also noticed that earlier on in the book, my main character tries to ring her ex three years after they have split up and discovers that he has changed his number. But later on in the story, she rings him and speaks to him. How on does she obtain his new number? Well…I have fixed that too!

Ugh! I need to make time to read the novel I wrote within a month and check it more carefully to make sure it is coherent and consistent. Editing needs you to be wide awake and on the ball!!!

I want to finish this one off soon though because I have another idea for a novel bursting to get out of me. Jack has started making plans for the two of us…so I want to get my ideas down while he is in quarantine. Once he starts coming over, I don’t think I am going to have chance to write.

13 thoughts on “Putting My Editing Cap On”

    1. I am fortunate in that I had only written in one instance that her family were poor…whereas I had made numerous references to the money she inherited. So I went back to that one paragraph and deleted it. I wrote a new paragraph explaining that she does not know her mother’s family, but she is aware that when the will was executed a large amount of money was transferred to her mother’s brother. She has never had any contact with the rest of her mother’s family since the funeral.

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  1. Oh, I can so relate to this! In the last month or so, I’ve been writing a story on FanFiction.net and in the story, I had this character killed off in suspicious circumstances (and, despite some theories of my readers, this character shall remain dead).
    There was this scene I wrote later on in the story with this character that everyone thought was good but in this story was going to be revealed that he is a villain, but for some reason (I was really stressed and tired at the time I wrote this), I accidentally wrote that it was the character that had been killed appearing later instead of that character that I had originally planned and it wasn’t until after I had published that chapter that I realised my huge mistake and had to go back and correct it.
    It can be painfully embarrassing at times when we realize what huge blunders we’ve made in the stories.

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    1. I like writing without a set plan…but I think I need to make some notes about my characters so that I don’t contradict myself and confuse someone reading. Poor readers!!!

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  2. Wow! 90,000 words – I’m impressed!
    Re: editing – that’s why they say you should try to have a professional editor look at your work, or if you can’t afford this then ask for beta readers to read and give you feedback.
    Wishing you all the best with your book launch whenever that occurs. 🙂

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    1. That is great advice. Because I have always worked for money part time, I realized I could not afford the editing fees that publishers were asking of me. That’s why I went with self-publishing. I have had help from a non-professional editor and some friends who read my books and gave me feedback. The main feedback I received was that they liked my characters, but everyone felt sorry for one of the guys. So I had to throw in a happier ending just to please everyone who had fallen in love with him.
      The spelling and grammar I have been combing over carefully.
      The new book that I have been writing has been very quick, but I have been writing after a long shift at work, so I have been much more tired than when I wrote my other books.

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